Виниловый сайдинг купить в Эстонии Без рубрики Adobe Captivate 201911.5.1.499 Activation File 2019 Download

Adobe Captivate 201911.5.1.499 Activation File 2019 Download

How to Activate Adobe Captivate 201911.5.1.499 for Free: A Step-by-Step Guide

Adobe Captivate is a powerful and versatile software for creating e-learning courses, simulations, quizzes, and interactive media. Adobe Captivate allows you to design and develop engaging and responsive content that can be accessed on any device and platform.

However, Adobe Captivate is not a cheap software. The latest version, Adobe Captivate 201911.5.1.499, costs $1,299 for a perpetual license or $33.99 per month for a subscription plan. If you are a student, teacher, or educator, you can get a discounted price of $399 for a perpetual license or $29.99 per month for a subscription plan.

But what if you want to use Adobe Captivate 201911.5.1.499 without paying anything? Is there a way to activate Adobe Captivate 201911.5.1.499 for free? The answer is yes, and in this article, we will show you how to do it.

What is Adobe Captivate 201911.5.1.499 Activation File?

Adobe Captivate 201911.5.1.499 Activation File is a file that contains the license information and the activation code for Adobe Captivate 201911.5.1.499. By using this file, you can bypass the online activation process and activate Adobe Captivate 201911.5.1.499 offline.

However, Adobe Captivate 201911.5.1.499 Activation File is not an official file from Adobe. It is a file that has been created by hackers or crackers who have cracked the software and generated the activation code. Therefore, using Adobe Captivate 201911.5.1.499 Activation File is illegal and unethical.

Moreover, using Adobe Captivate 201911.5.1.499 Activation File might be risky and harmful for your computer and your data. The file might contain viruses, malware, spyware, or ransomware that can infect your system and compromise your security and privacy.

How to Download Adobe Captivate 201911.5.1.499 Activation File?

If you still want to download Adobe Captivate 201911.5.1.499 Activation File, you need to be very careful and cautious about the source and the quality of the file.

There are many websites that claim to offer free downloads of Adobe Captivate 201911.5.1.499 Activation File, but most of them are fake, scam, or phishing sites that will try to trick you into clicking on malicious links or downloading unwanted programs.

To avoid these sites, you need to do some research and check the reputation and credibility of the site before downloading anything from it.

Here are some tips on how to find a reliable site for downloading Adobe Captivate 201911.5.1.499 Activation File:

  • Use a reputable search engine such as Google or Bing and type in keywords such as «Adobe Captivate 201911.5.1.499 Activation File», «Adobe Captivate 201911 Crack», «Adobe Captivate 2019 Keygen», etc.
  • Look at the results and check the domain name, title, description, and URL of the site.
  • Avoid sites that have suspicious or irrelevant domain names such as .ru, .cn, .tk, .biz, etc.
  • Avoid sites that have vague or misleading titles or descriptions such as «Download Now», «Free Download», «100% Working», etc.
  • Avoid sites that have long or complicated URLs that contain random characters or numbers.
  • Look for sites that have positive reviews, ratings, comments, or feedback from other users who have downloaded the file.
  • Look for sites that have clear and detailed instructions on how to download and use the file.
  • Look for sites that have contact information such as email address, phone number, or social media accounts.

Here are some examples of reliable sites for downloading Adobe Captivate 201911.5.1.499 Activation File:

How to Use Adobe Captivate 201911.5.1.499 Activation File?

Once you have downloaded Adobe Captivate 201911.5.1.499 Activation File, you can use it to activate Adobe Captivate 201911.5.1.499 offline.

Here are the steps on how to use Adobe Captivate 201911.5.1.499 Activation File:

  1. Install Adobe Captivate 201911.5.1.499 on your computer if you haven’t already. You can download the installer from the official website of Adobe at https://helpx.adobe.com/captivate/kb/captivate-downloads.html.
  2. Disconnect your computer from the internet or turn off your Wi-Fi.
  3. Launch Adobe Captivate 201911.5.1.499 and click on «Start Trial» or «Enter Serial Number».
  4. Copy the serial number from the Adobe Captivate 201911.5.1.499 Activation File and paste it in the serial number field.
  5. Click on «Next» and then «Connect Later».
  6. Copy the request code from the activation window and paste it in the Adobe Captivate 201911.5.1.499 Activation File.
  7. Click on «Generate» and copy the activation code from the Adobe Captivate 201911.5.1.499 Activation File.
  8. Paste the activation code in the activation window and click on «Activate».
  9. You have successfully activated Adobe Captivate 201911.5.1.499 for free.

What are the Features of Adobe Captivate 201911.5.1.499?

Adobe Captivate 201911.5.1.499 is the latest version of Adobe Captivate that was released in October 2020.

Adobe Captivate 201911.5.1.499 has many new and improved features that make it easier and faster to create e-learning courses, simulations, quizzes, and interactive media.

Some of the features of Adobe Captivate 201911.5.1.499 are:

  • Quick Start Projects: You can choose from a variety of ready-made projects that are designed for different scenarios and audiences, such as soft skills, compliance, product demos, etc.
  • Ready-to-go Slides: You can insert pre-built slides that contain content and interactions for various topics and categories, such as introductions, objectives, assessments, scenarios, etc.
  • Out-of-the-box Interactions: You can add engaging and interactive elements to your projects, such as buttons, click boxes, drag-and-drop, flip cards, dials, etc.
  • Fluid Boxes: You can create responsive projects that automatically adapt to different screen sizes and orientations by using fluid boxes that arrange the content based on logic and rules.
  • 360° Learning Experiences: You can create immersive and interactive learning experiences by using 360° images and videos that allow learners to explore and interact with the environment.
  • Virtual Reality: You can create realistic and immersive simulations by using virtual reality devices that enable learners to practice skills and scenarios in a safe and controlled environment.
  • Interactive Videos: You can enhance your videos by adding annotations, bookmarks, overlays, quizzes, etc., that make them more engaging and interactive.
  • Livestreaming: You can livestream your desktop screen or webcam feed to your learners in real-time by using platforms such as YouTube or Facebook.
  • xAPI Support: You can track and report the learner’s progress and performance by using xAPI statements that capture various data points and events.

Adobe Captivate 201911.5.1.499 is a powerful and versatile software that can help you create amazing e-learning courses, simulations, quizzes, and interactive media.


Adobe Captivate 201911.5.1.499 is a software that allows you to create e-learning courses, simulations, quizzes, and interactive media. However, it is not a cheap software. If you want to use Adobe Captivate 201911.5.1.499 without paying anything, you can download Adobe Captivate 201911.5.1.499 Activation File and activate it offline.

However, using Adobe Captivate 201911.5.1.499 Activation File is illegal and unethical. It is also risky and harmful for your computer and your data. The file might contain viruses, malware, spyware, or ransomware that can infect your system and compromise your security and privacy.

Therefore, we do not recommend using Adobe Captivate 201911.5.1.499 Activation File. Instead, we suggest that you support the software by buying a license or a subscription plan from the official website of Adobe. This way, you can enjoy Adobe Captivate 201911.5.1.499 in its full functionality and quality and help the software continue to develop and improve.

What are the Alternatives to Adobe Captivate 201911.5.1.499 Activation File?

If you are looking for alternatives to Adobe Captivate 201911.5.1.499 Activation File, you have some options. Here are some of them:

  • Use a free or open-source software for creating e-learning courses, simulations, quizzes, and interactive media. Some examples are H5P, Moodle, Articulate Rise, etc.
  • Use an online platform or service for creating e-learning courses, simulations, quizzes, and interactive media. Some examples are Udemy, Coursera, EdX, etc.
  • Use a trial version of Adobe Captivate 201911.5.1.499 for a limited time and create your e-learning courses, simulations, quizzes, and interactive media. You can download the trial version from the official website of Adobe at https://www.adobe.com/products/captivate/download-trial/try.html.
  • Use a student or educator discount to buy a license or a subscription plan for Adobe Captivate 201911.5.1.499 at a lower price. You can apply for the discount from the official website of Adobe at https://www.adobe.com/creativecloud/buy/students.html.

These alternatives are legal and ethical and can help you create e-learning courses, simulations, quizzes, and interactive media without using Adobe Captivate 201911.5.1.499 Activation File.

How to Learn Adobe Captivate 201911.5.1.499?

If you want to learn how to use Adobe Captivate 201911.5.1.499 effectively and efficiently, you have many resources available.

Here are some of them:

  • Use the official documentation and tutorials from Adobe at https://helpx.adobe.com/captivate/user-guide.html. Here you can find comprehensive and up-to-date information and guides on how to use Adobe Captivate 201911.5.1.499.
  • Use the online courses and videos from Adobe at https://elearning.adobe.com/adobe-captivate-training/. Here you can find interactive and engaging courses and videos on how to use Adobe Captivate 201911.5.1.499.
  • Use the community forums and blogs from Adobe at https://community.adobe.com/t5/captivate/ct-p/captivate. Here you can find helpful tips, tricks, advice, feedback, and support from other Adobe Captivate users and experts.
  • Use the books and courses from other sources such as Amazon, Udemy, Lynda, etc. Here you can find in-depth and practical books and courses on how to use Adobe Captivate 201911.5.1.499.

These resources are useful and valuable and can help you learn Adobe Captivate 201911.5.1.499 in no time.


Adobe Captivate 201911.5.1.499 is a software that allows you to create e-learning courses, simulations, quizzes, and interactive media. However, it is not a cheap software. If you want to use Adobe Captivate 201911.5.1.499 without paying anything, you can download Adobe Captivate 201911.5.1.499 Activation File and activate it offline.

However, using Adobe Captivate 201911.5.1.499 Activation File is illegal and unethical. It is also risky and harmful for your computer and your data. The file might contain viruses, malware, spyware, or ransomware that can infect your system and compromise your security and privacy.

Therefore, we do not recommend using Adobe Captivate 201911.5.1.499 Activation File. Instead, we suggest that you support the software by buying a license or a subscription plan from the official website of Adobe. This way, you can enjoy Adobe Captivate 201911.5.1.499 in its full functionality and quality and help the software continue to develop and improve.

If you are looking for alternatives to Adobe Captivate 201911.5.1.499 Activation File, you have some options such as using a free or open-source software, an online platform or service, a trial version, or a student or educator discount.

If you want to learn how to use Adobe Captivate 201911.5.1.499 effectively and efficiently, you have many resources available such as the official documentation and tutorials, the online courses and videos, the community forums and blogs, and the books and courses from other sources.

We hope that this article has been helpful and informative for you. Thank you for reading and happy learning!




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