Arena Of Valor Europe Server Apk


How to Download and Play Arena of Valor on European Server

If you are a fan of multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) games, you might have heard of Arena of Valor, one of the most popular and successful games in this genre. Arena of Valor is a thrilling and competitive game that lets you team up with your friends or other players from around the world and fight against your enemies in various modes and maps. In this article, we will show you how to download and play Arena of Valor on the European server, which offers you a better gaming experience and more opportunities to meet new friends.

What is Arena of Valor?

A brief introduction to the game and its features

Arena of Valor is a 5v5 MOBA game that was developed by Tencent Games and released in 2016. The game has been downloaded over 200 million times and has won several awards for its quality and popularity. Arena of Valor features over 100 heroes with different roles, abilities, and styles, as well as various items, skins, and accessories that you can customize your hero with. The game also has stunning graphics, smooth controls, and immersive sound effects that make you feel like you are in the middle of the action.

The benefits of playing on the European server

While Arena of Valor is available in many regions and countries, playing on the European server has some advantages that you might want to consider. First of all, playing on the European server means that you will have a lower ping and less lag, which can make a huge difference in your performance and enjoyment. Secondly, playing on the European server means that you will have access to more events, updates, and features that are exclusive to this region. For example, you can participate in the Valor Series, a professional esports tournament that showcases the best teams and players in Europe. Thirdly, playing on the European server means that you will have more chances to interact with other players who share your language, culture, and interests. You can chat with them, join their guilds, or invite them to your matches.

How to download Arena of Valor APK for Android devices

The steps to download and install the APK file from a trusted source

If you want to play Arena of Valor on your Android device, you will need to download and install the APK file from a trusted source. An APK file is an application package file that contains all the necessary data and files for installing an app on your device. Here are the steps to download and install the Arena of Valor APK file:

  1. Go to this link or this link on your device’s browser.
  2. Tap on the Download APK button and wait for the file to be downloaded.
  3. Once the file 100 heroes with different roles, abilities, and styles. You should choose a hero that suits your playstyle and role, whether you want to be a tank, a warrior, an assassin, a mage, or a marksman. You can also try different heroes in the practice mode or the trial cards to see which one you like best.
  4. Learn the basics of the game and the map: Arena of Valor has three lanes: the Dark Slayer lane (top), the middle lane (mid), and the Abyssal Dragon lane (bot). Each lane has three towers that you need to destroy to reach the enemy base. There are also two jungles on each side of the map, where you can find jungle monsters that give you gold, experience, and buffs. The most important jungle monsters are the Dark Slayer and the Abyssal Dragon, which spawn at 10 minutes and 2 minutes respectively. Killing the Dark Slayer grants your team a powerful buff and a Drake that helps you push the lanes. Killing the Abyssal Dragon grants your team gold and experience.
  5. Communicate and cooperate with your team: Arena of Valor is a team game, which means that you need to communicate and cooperate with your teammates to win. You can use the chat, the voice chat, or the quick chat to communicate with your team. You can also use the signals or pings to alert your team about your intentions or the enemy’s movements. You should also follow your team’s strategy and help them in team fights, objectives, and ganks.
  6. Manage your gold and items: Gold is the main currency in Arena of Valor, which you can use to buy items that enhance your hero’s stats and abilities. You can earn gold by killing enemy minions, jungle monsters, towers, and heroes. You should try to farm as much gold as possible without dying or losing your lane. You should also buy items that suit your hero’s role and counter the enemy’s composition. You can use the recommended items or customize your own item build.
  7. Improve your skills and knowledge: Arena of Valor is a game that requires skill and knowledge to master. You should improve your skills by practicing your hero’s mechanics, combos, positioning, timing, and map awareness. You should also improve your knowledge by learning about the game’s rules, modes, heroes, items, buffs, objectives, and strategies. You can watch tutorials, guides, videos, streams, or professional matches to learn from other players.
  8. Conclusion

    A summary of the main points and a call to action

    Arena of Valor is a fun and exciting game that you can play on your Android device on the European server. In this article, we have shown you how to download and install the APK file from a trusted source, how to create an account and log in to the game, and how to enjoy the game and improve your skills. We hope that this article has been helpful and informative for you. If you want to join the millions of players who are playing Arena of Valor on the European server, download the app now and start your adventure!


    Q1: Is Arena of Valor free to play?

    A1: Yes, Arena of Valor is free to play. You can download and play the game without spending any money. However, there are some optional in-game purchases that you can make with real money or vouchers (the premium currency) to unlock more heroes, skins, items, or other features.

    Q2: How many heroes are available in Arena of Valor?

    A2: There are over 100 heroes available in Arena of Valor, each with their own unique skills, abilities, and styles. The game regularly adds new heroes or updates existing ones to keep the game fresh and diverse.

    Q3: What are the game modes in Arena of Valor?

    A3: There are several game modes in Arena of Valor that you can choose from depending on your preference and mood. The main game mode is Classic 5v5, where you play against other players in a standard MOBA match. There are also other game modes such as Ranked Match (where you compete for ranks and rewards), Grand Battle (where you play with 10v10 players), Abyssal Clash (where you play with random heroes), Hook Wars (where you hook enemies into traps), Death Match (where you fight until one team is eliminated), Football Fever (where you play soccer with heroes), Chess-TD (where you build towers to defend against waves of enemies), Carano Chess (where you collect heroes and form teams to fight against other players), Battle Royale (where you play with one life only), Valley Skirmish (where you play with 3v3 players), and War of Wits (where you answer trivia questions and fight with heroes).

    Q4: How can I join a guild or create my own in Arena of Valor?

    A4: A guild is a group of players who share a common interest, goal, or identity in Arena of Valor. You can join a guild or create your own to enjoy various benefits, such as chatting with other members, participating in guild events, earning guild points and rewards, and more. To join a guild or create your own, you need to tap on the Guild icon on the main screen and follow the instructions.

    Q5: How can I contact the customer support of Arena of Valor?

    A5: If you have any questions, issues, or feedback about Arena of Valor, you can contact the customer support of the game by tapping on the Settings icon on the main screen and then tapping on the Customer Service option. You can also visit the official website, Facebook page, Twitter account, or Discord server of Arena of Valor to get more information and support.
