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The Boys’ Brigade Nigeria: A Christian Youth Organization

The Boys’ Brigade Nigeria (BBN) is a Christian youth organization that aims to empower boys and young men to reach their potential and find their place in leading and impacting their world today and into the future. The BBN is part of the global Boys’ Brigade movement that started in Glasgow, Scotland in 1883 by Sir William Alexander Smith.

The BBN was established in Lagos in 1926 by Rev. James Adeniyi Jones, a missionary of the United Free Church of Scotland. Since then, the BBN has grown to have a presence in all the states of Nigeria, with over 300,000 members and 10,000 officers. The BBN operates under the patronage of the President of Nigeria and the leadership of the National Council.

The Vision and Mission of the BBN

The vision of the BBN is to be «the foremost Christian youth organization in Nigeria for developing boys and young men for effective leadership and service». The mission of the BBN is to «advance Christ’s kingdom among boys and young men by providing them with a fun-filled, balanced, challenging and Christ-centered programme».

The BBN seeks to achieve its vision and mission through four main objectives:

  • To help boys develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour.
  • To promote habits of obedience, reverence, discipline, self-respect and all that tends towards a true Christian character.
  • To provide opportunities for boys to learn, grow and discover their gifts and talents through various activities and programmes.
  • To train boys to serve God and their communities with loyalty, courage and devotion.

The Structure and Programme of the BBN

The BBN is organized into four sections according to the age groups of the boys:

  • The Anchor Boys (5-8 years)
  • The Junior Section (9-11 years)
  • The Company Section (12-18 years)
  • The Seniors (18-25 years)

Each section has its own programme, uniform, badges and awards. The programme consists of various activities such as drills, games, sports, music, camping, Bible study, community service, leadership training and competitions. The programme is designed to be fun, challenging and rewarding for the boys.

The BBN operates through local units called Companies that are attached to churches or schools. Each Company is led by a Captain who is assisted by other officers and helpers. The Companies are grouped into Battalions at the local government level, and into State Councils at the state level. The National Council is the highest governing body of the BBN.

How to Download the Boys’ Brigade Nigeria PDF

If you want to learn more about the BBN, you can download their PDF documents from their website: You can find various PDF files such as:

  • The State Programme for 2023
  • The Guidelines and Requirements for Applicants for the 2022 National Brigade School Course
  • The Officers Basic Training Courses (1-4)
  • The Junior Section Handbook

website: You can find various PDF files such as:

  • The State Programme for 2023
  • The Guidelines and Requirements for Applicants for the 2022 National Brigade School Course
  • The Officers Basic Training Courses (1-4)
  • The Junior Section Handbook

To download the PDF files, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Go to the website and click on the menu icon on the top right corner.
  2. Select the option that corresponds to the PDF file you want to download. For example, if you want to download the State Programme for 2023, select «PROGRAMMES».
  3. On the page that opens, scroll down and look for the PDF file link. For example, for the State Programme for 2023, you will see «BBN-LSC 2023 PROGRAMME NEW (pdf) Download».
  4. Click on the link and wait for the PDF file to open in a new tab or window.
  5. Save the PDF file to your device by clicking on the download icon or using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+S.

You can also view the PDF files online without downloading them by using a PDF viewer such as Adobe Acrobat Reader or Google Chrome.

The Boys’ Brigade Nigeria PDF files are useful resources for anyone who wants to learn more about the history, vision, mission, structure, programme and activities of the BBN. They are also helpful for the members and officers of the BBN who want to improve their skills and knowledge in the BB work. The PDF files are easy to download and view online from the BBN website.

Why You Should Join the Boys’ Brigade Nigeria

If you are a boy or a young man who wants to have fun, learn new things, make friends, serve God and your community, and grow in your faith, then you should consider joining the Boys’ Brigade Nigeria. The BBN offers you a lot of benefits and opportunities such as:

  • You will be part of a global family of over 750,000 members in over 60 countries who share the same values and goals.
  • You will be mentored by trained and dedicated officers who will guide you and support you in your personal and spiritual development.
  • You will participate in various activities and programmes that will challenge you, inspire you and reward you.
  • You will develop your skills and talents in areas such as leadership, communication, teamwork, creativity, problem-solving and more.
  • You will earn badges and awards that will recognize your achievements and boost your confidence.
  • You will have fun and make lasting friendships with other boys and young men who have similar interests and passions.
  • You will have the chance to travel and explore new places and cultures through camps, exchanges and international events.
  • You will make a positive difference in your church and your community through service projects, outreach programmes and social action.
  • You will grow in your relationship with God and deepen your understanding of His word and His will for your life.

The Boys’ Brigade Nigeria is more than just an organization. It is a movement that transforms lives and shapes futures. It is a place where you can belong, believe and become. It is a place where you can be yourself and be your best.

How to Join the Boys’ Brigade Nigeria

If you are interested in joining the Boys’ Brigade Nigeria, you can follow these simple steps:

  1. Find a Company near you. You can use the Company Locator on the BBN website to search for a Company by state, local government or church denomination. You can also ask your friends, family or church members if they know any Company in your area.
  2. Contact the Company Captain or any officer and express your interest in joining. You can find their contact details on the BBN website or on the Company notice board. You can also visit the Company during their meeting time and introduce yourself.
  3. Fill out an application form and pay a registration fee. The application form will ask for your personal details, your parents’ or guardians’ consent, and your medical history. The registration fee will cover your uniform, handbook and other materials.
  4. Attend the induction ceremony and receive your membership card. The induction ceremony is a special event where you will be welcomed into the BBN family and take the BB promise. The membership card will show your name, section and Company number.
  5. Start enjoying the BB programme and activities. You will be assigned to a section according to your age group and join other boys in various activities and programmes. You will also have an officer or a senior boy as your mentor who will help you settle in and guide you along the way.

Joining the Boys’ Brigade Nigeria is easy and rewarding. You will have a lot of fun, learn a lot of things, make a lot of friends, serve God and your community, and grow in your faith. Don’t miss this opportunity to be part of something great. Join the BBN today!

The History of the Boys’ Brigade Nigeria

The Boys’ Brigade Nigeria (BBN) has a long and rich history that dates back to the early 20th century. The BBN is part of the global Boys’ Brigade movement that was founded by Sir William Alexander Smith in Glasgow, Scotland in 1883. The Boys’ Brigade is the first Christian uniformed youth organization in the world, with the aim of advancing Christ’s kingdom among boys and young men.

The BBN was introduced to Nigeria by Dr. Mac Milliam, a missionary of the United Free Church of Scotland, who established the first company at Holy Trinity Anglican Church Ebutero, Lagos in 1908. The company was registered as the 1st Lagos Company and was led by Mr. J.O. Lucas. The company grew rapidly and soon spread to other churches in Lagos and beyond.

In 1936, the BBN was established in Eastern Nigeria by Rev. J.C. Taylor, who formed the first company at Christ Anglican Church Onitsha. The company was registered as the 1st Onitsha Company and was led by Mr. J.O. Nwosu. The company also expanded quickly and reached out to other churches in Eastern Nigeria.

In 1947, the BBN was established in Northern Nigeria by Rev. J.A. Adegbite, who formed the first company at St. Paul’s Anglican Church Zaria. The company was registered as the 1st Zaria Company and was led by Mr. S.O. Ogunlade. The company faced some challenges due to the religious and cultural differences in Northern Nigeria, but it persevered and grew steadily.

In 1950, the BBN became a national organization with its own constitution and structure. The BBN adopted the patronage of the Governor-General of Nigeria and elected its first National President, Mr. J.O. Lucas. The BBN also established its own national headquarters, training centre, campsite and magazine.

In 1960, the BBN celebrated its golden jubilee and witnessed the independence of Nigeria from British colonial rule. The BBN also changed its patronage from the Governor-General of Nigeria to the President of Nigeria and adopted a new national flag and anthem.

In 1976, the BBN celebrated its diamond jubilee and hosted the World Conference of The Boys’ Brigade International in Lagos. The BBN also received a visit from Major General Stanley B. Smith, a grandson of Sir William Alexander Smith and a former president of The Boys’ Brigade UK.

In 1983, the BBN celebrated its centenary and commemorated the death of Sir William Alexander Smith. The BBN also received a visit from Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, who is a patron of The Boys’ Brigade UK.

In 2008, the BBN celebrated its centenary in Nigeria and marked 100 years of BB work in Lagos. The BBN also received a visit from Brigadier Ian Dobbie OBE DL, a former president of The Boys’ Brigade UK.

Today, the BBN has over 300,000 members and 10,000 officers in all the states of Nigeria. The BBN continues to uphold its vision, mission, object and motto as it serves God and its nation through its various programmes and activities.


The Boys’ Brigade Nigeria is a Christian youth organization that has a proud history and a bright future. The BBN is part of the global Boys’ Brigade movement that was founded by Sir William Alexander Smith in 1883. The BBN aims to advance Christ’s kingdom among boys and young men by providing them with a fun-filled, balanced, challenging and Christ-centered programme. The BBN also helps boys and young men to develop their skills, talents, character and faith through various activities and opportunities. The BBN has over 300,000 members and 10,000 officers in all the states of Nigeria, who are committed to serving God and their nation.

If you want to learn more about the BBN, you can download their PDF files from their website: You can also contact them through their email, phone or social media platforms. You can also join the BBN if you are a boy or a young man who wants to have fun, learn new things, make friends, serve God and your community, and grow in your faith. The BBN welcomes you to be part of its family and its movement.

The Boys’ Brigade Nigeria is more than just an organization. It is a movement that transforms lives and shapes futures. It is a place where you can belong, believe and become. It is a place where you can be yourself and be your best.[deepstatus]


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