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Brain Lock Jeffrey Schwartz Pdf [UPD] Free Download

Brain Lock Jeffrey Schwartz Pdf [UPD] Free Download


Brain Lock Jeffrey Schwartz Pdf Free Download

To the extent that you let your culture or your religious system or your parents or your girlfriend or your boyfriend or whatever possess you, you give up your individual being and are enslaved. That’s the technique and that’s what you are being liberated from. Knowing this, there’s no reason why you, if you’re not a professional, can’t free yourself by comprehending your own problem.

The third step in the process involves a new set of exercises, which act like a shield against influence, a veil of sorts. Through this veil, patients are shielded from their OCD thoughts and urges. The fourth step is submission, which is required if patients are to break through to the fifth. And, this step is the crucial aspect of the whole therapy: the truly bizarre, confounding, and intensely disquieting requirement that you submit to the process you’ve just learned and that you agree to take the steps necessary to free yourself. Instead of frantically pulling your hair and turning your mind into a maelstrom, complete this last step and you experience freedom, the freeing of yourself from the bondage of OCD.

If this sounds like the quackery they’ve been led to believe by the pharmaceutical industry or, worse, their psychiatrists, they’re wrong. And it will sound like quackery to you, as well. It is hard to imagine why it is necessary to alter your brain at the level proposed by Dr. Schwartz, but it is indisputable that it works.

In an important paper published last October in the Journal of the American Medical Association, Dr. Schwartz proved, «With the help of a computer program, brain scan findings can be altered in the 14 patients in the study. Specifically, the program worked to achieve the opposite result in the patients’ brains as they did with their medication, a well-known first step in the treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder.� The results were dramatic: ‘On average, the patients reported that they experienced a 60 percent drop in OC symptoms,’ the paper says. ‘This reduction was observed on all measures assessed.’ Only two of Mr. Schwartz’s participants said they didn’t experience any change in their symptoms.


