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Dil Mera Bole Hello How Are You Song Free 11 ##VERIFIED##

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How to Download Dil Mera Bole Hello How Are You Song for Free in 11 Easy Steps

Dil Mera Bole Hello How Are You is a popular song from the Pakistani film Hum Kisi Se Kam Nahin, starring Sahiba and Rambo. The song is a catchy and romantic number that expresses the feelings of a couple who are in love. If you are a fan of this song and want to download it for free, you have come to the right place. In this article, we will show you how to download Dil Mera Bole Hello How Are You song for free in 11 easy steps. You will also learn some interesting facts about the song and the film. So, without further ado, let’s get started.

Step 1: Go to YouTube

The first step to download Dil Mera Bole Hello How Are You song for free is to go to YouTube, the world’s largest video-sharing platform. YouTube has millions of videos on various topics, including music, movies, sports, education, entertainment, and more. You can access YouTube from any device that has an internet connection, such as a computer, smartphone, tablet, or smart TV. You can also create an account on YouTube for free and enjoy features like subscribing to channels, liking and commenting on videos, creating playlists, and uploading your own videos.

To go to YouTube, you can either type www.youtube.com in your web browser or click on this link: https://www.youtube.com/

Step 2: Search for Dil Mera Bole Hello How Are You Song

The next step is to search for Dil Mera Bole Hello How Are You song on YouTube. You can use the search bar at the top of the YouTube homepage to type in the name of the song or any related keywords. For example, you can type «Dil Mera Bole Hello How Are You», «Dil Mera Bole Hello How Are You Song», «Dil Mera Bole Hello How Are You Sahiba Rambo», or «Dil Mera Bole Hello How Are You Hum Kisi Se Kam Nahin». Then, press the enter key or click on the magnifying glass icon to see the search results.

You will see a list of videos that match your search query. Some of them might be the original song from the film, while others might be covers, remixes, or fan-made versions. You can also filter the results by relevance, upload date, view count, rating, duration, or type using the options on the left side of the page.

Step 3: Choose a Video

The third step is to choose a video that has Dil Mera Bole Hello How Are You song that you want to download. You can browse through the search results and look at the thumbnails, titles, descriptions, durations, views, likes, dislikes, and comments of each video to decide which one you like best. You can also watch a preview of each video by hovering your mouse over it or tapping on it.

One of the videos that has Dil Mera Bole Hello How Are You song is titled «DIL MERA BOLE HELLO HOW ARE YOU — SAHIBA & RAMBO — FILM HUM KISI SE KAM NAHIN» and was uploaded by LollywoodClassics on June 10, 2017. It has over 1.4 million views and 8.6 thousand likes as of December 2021. It is a 5-minute-long video that shows clips from the film along with the song. You can watch it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6hU7lGu43jA

Step 4: Copy the URL of the Video

The fourth step is to copy the URL (uniform resource locator) of the video that has Dil Mera Bole Hello How Are You song that you want to download. The URL is the web address that identifies and locates a specific resource on the internet. It usually starts with https:// and ends with .com or another domain name extension.

To copy the URL of the video on YouTube, you can either right-click on the video and select «Copy video URL» from the menu that appears or click on the «Share» button below the video and select «Copy» from the options that appear. Alternatively, you can also copy the URL from your web browser’s address bar.

For example, the URL of the video that we chose in step 3 is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6hU7lGu43jA

Step 5: Go to an Online Video Converter Website

The fifth step is to go to an online video converter website that allows you to convert any YouTube video into different formats and languages for free. There are many such websites available on the internet, but some of them may not be reliable or safe. Some of them may contain viruses, malware, or pop-up ads that can harm your device or compromise your privacy. Therefore, we recommend that you use a trusted and reputable website that has positive reviews and ratings from other users.

One of such websites is Online Video Converter (OVC), which is one of the most popular and widely used online video converter websites in the world. It has over 200 million users and supports over 50 formats and languages. It is fast, easy-to-use, and secure. It does not require any registration or installation and works on any device that has an internet connection.

To go to Online Video Converter (OVC), you can either type www.onlinevideoconverter.com/video-converter in your web browser or click on this link: https://www.onlinevideoconverter.com/video-converter

Step 6: Paste the URL of the Video

The sixth step is to paste the URL of the video that has Dil Mera Bole Hello How Are You song that you want to download into the online video converter website. You can do this by either right-clicking on the box that says «Paste link here» and selecting «Paste» from the menu that appears or by pressing Ctrl+V on your keyboard. You will see the URL appear in the box.

For example, if you are using Online Video Converter (OVC), you will see something like this:

Screenshot of Online Video Converter website with URL pasted in the box

Step 7: Select MP3 as the Output Format

The seventh step is to select MP3 as the output format for the video that you want to download. MP3 is a common audio format that can be played on most devices and media players. It is also a compressed format that reduces the file size without compromising the quality too much. You can select MP3 as the output format by clicking on the drop-down menu that says «Format» and choosing «MP3» from the list of options.

For example, if you are using Online Video Converter (OVC), you will see something like this:

Screenshot of Online Video Converter website with MP3 selected as the output format

Step 8: Select Hindi as the Language

The eighth step is to select Hindi as the language for the video that you want to download. Hindi is one of the official languages of India and one of the most widely spoken languages in the world. It is also the language in which Dil Mera Bole Hello How Are You song is sung. You can select Hindi as the language by clicking on the drop-down menu that says «Language» and choosing «Hindi» from the list of options.

For example, if you are using Online Video Converter (OVC), you will see something like this:

Screenshot of Online Video Converter website with Hindi selected as the language

Step 9: Click on Start

The ninth step is to click on the Start button on the online video converter website to begin the conversion process. The Start button is usually located below the box where you paste the URL of the video. You will see a progress bar that shows how much time is left for the conversion to finish.

For example, if you are using Online Video Converter (OVC), you will see something like this:

Screenshot of Online Video Converter website with Start button clicked

Step 10: Wait for the Conversion Process to Finish

The tenth step is to wait for the conversion process to finish. Depending on the size and quality of the video, the conversion process may take a few seconds or minutes. You can see the estimated time remaining on the progress bar. You can also cancel the conversion at any time by clicking on the Cancel button.

For example, if you are using Online Video Converter (OVC), you will see something like this:

Screenshot of Online Video Converter website with progress bar showing time remaining

Step 11: Download the Converted Video File

The eleventh and final step is to download the converted video file that has Dil Mera Bole Hello How Are You song in MP3 format and Hindi language. You can do this by clicking on the Download button that appears after the conversion is done. You will be asked to choose a location on your device where you want to save the file. You can also rename the file if you want.

For example, if you are using Online Video Converter (OVC), you will see something like this:

Screenshot of Online Video Converter website with Download button appearing after conversion is done

Congratulations! You have successfully downloaded Dil Mera Bole Hello How Are You song for free in 11 easy steps. You can now enjoy listening to this song on your device or share it with your friends and family.

Some Interesting Facts About Dil Mera Bole Hello How Are You Song and the Film

Now that you know how to download Dil Mera Bole Hello How Are You song for free in 11 easy steps, you might be interested in learning some interesting facts about the song and the film that it comes from. Here are some of them:

  • Dil Mera Bole Hello How Are You song was composed by Amjad Bobby and sung by Shazia Manzoor and Waris Baig. The lyrics were written by Riaz Ur Rehman Saghar.
  • The film Hum Kisi Se Kam Nahin was released in 1997 and directed by Altaf Hussain. It was a remake of the 1992 Bollywood film Khuda Gawah, starring Amitabh Bachchan and Sridevi.
  • The film starred Sahiba and Rambo, who are a real-life couple and popular actors in the Pakistani film industry. They have appeared in more than 50 films together and have won several awards for their performances.
  • The film was a box office hit and received positive reviews from critics and audiences. It was also nominated for several awards, including Best Film, Best Director, Best Actor, Best Actress, Best Music Director, Best Playback Singer, and Best Lyricist.
  • The film was also dubbed in other languages, such as Punjabi, Pashto, Sindhi, and Urdu.


In this article, we have shown you how to download Dil Mera Bole Hello How Are You song for free in 11 easy steps. We have also explained what Dil Mera Bole Hello How Are You song is about and shared some interesting facts about the song and the film. We hope that you have found this article helpful and informative. If you are a fan of Dil Mera Bole Hello How Are You song and Hum Kisi Se Kam Nahin film, you might enjoy listening to this song on your device or sharing it with your friends and family. However, if you are looking for more songs or films from the Pakistani film industry, you might want to check out some other websites or platforms that offer them. Either way, we wish you a happy and fun listening experience.



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