Download ##TOP## 60 Seconds Atomic Adventure


Download 60 Seconds! Atomic Adventure and Survive the Nuclear Apocalypse

Have you ever wondered how you would react if a nuclear bomb was about to hit your neighborhood? Would you be able to gather your family and enough supplies in just 60 seconds? Would you be able to survive in a fallout shelter for as long as possible? Would you be able to make difficult decisions that could mean life or death for you and your loved ones?

If you want to find out the answers to these questions, then you should download 60 Seconds! Atomic Adventure, a dark comedy atomic adventure game developed by Robot Gentleman. In this game, you will play as Ted, a responsible citizen and a family man, who has to face the ultimate challenge of surviving the nuclear apocalypse.

In this article, we will tell you how to download 60 Seconds! Atomic Adventure on different platforms, how to play the game, and some tips and tricks that will help you survive. We will also answer some frequently asked questions about the game. So, let’s get started!

How to Download 60 Seconds! Atomic Adventure on Different Platforms

60 Seconds! Atomic Adventure is available on various platforms, such as Android devices, Windows and macOS devices, and PC devices. Here is how you can download the game on each platform:

Google Play Store for Android devices

If you have an Android device, you can download 60 Seconds! Atomic Adventure from the Google Play Store for $3.99. The game requires Android version 4.1 or later and at least 1 GB of RAM. You can also enjoy the game for free with a Google Play Pass subscription. To download the game from the Google Play Store, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Google Play Store app on your device.
  2. Search for «60 Seconds! Atomic Adventure» in the search bar.
  3. Tap on the game icon and then tap on «Buy» or «Install» (if you have a Google Play Pass subscription).
  4. Wait for the game to download and install on your device.
  5. Launch the game and enjoy!

Steam for Windows and macOS devices

If you have a Windows or macOS device, you can download 60 Seconds! Atomic Adventure from Steam for $8.99. The game requires Windows XP SP3 or later or macOS X Lion or later, Intel Core™ 2 Duo or an equivalent AMD CPU, 4 GB of RAM, nVidia GeForce 8800 GT or AMD Radeon HD2900 XT (with 512MB VRAM), DirectX version 9.0c or OpenGL 2.1, and 3 GB of available space. You can also get the game for free if you have a Steam account and a Humble Choice subscription. To download the game from Steam, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Steam app on your device or visit the Steam website.
  2. Search for «60 Seconds! Atomic Adventure» in the search bar.
  3. Click on the game icon and then click on «Add to Cart» or «Play Now» (if you have a Humble Choice subscription).
  4. Proceed to checkout and complete your payment or confirm your subscription.
  5. Wait for the game to download and install on your device.
  6. Launch the game and enjoy!

GameLoop for PC devices

If you have a PC device, you can download 60 Seconds! Atomic Adventure from GameLoop, a popular Android emulator that allows you to play mobile games on your PC. The game is free to download and play on GameLoop, but you will need to create an account and log in to access the game. To download the game from GameLoop, follow these steps:

  1. Download and install GameLoop on your PC from the official website.
  2. Open GameLoop and create an account or log in with your existing account.
  3. Search for «60 Seconds! Atomic Adventure» in the search bar.
  4. Click on the game icon and then click on «Install».
  5. Wait for the game to download and install on your PC.
  6. Launch the game and enjoy!

How to Play 60 Seconds! Atomic Adventure

Now that you have downloaded 60 Seconds! Atomic Adventure on your preferred platform, you might be wondering how to play the game. Well, don’t worry, we are here to help you. Here is a brief overview of the gameplay, the modes, and the characters of 60 Seconds! Atomic Adventure.

The Gameplay: Scavenge, Prepare, Survive, and Decide

The gameplay of 60 Seconds! Atomic Adventure consists of four main phases: scavenge, prepare, survive, and decide. In each phase, you will have to make quick and smart choices that will affect your chances of survival.

In the scavenge phase, you will have only 60 seconds to collect your family members and as many supplies as you can from your house before the nuclear bomb hits. You will have to use the arrow keys or the mouse to move around and grab items. You will also have to use the spacebar or the left mouse button to drop items in your fallout shelter. You will have to balance between grabbing essential items such as food, water, radio, medkit, etc., and grabbing optional items such as books, cards, toys, etc., that can boost your morale and sanity.

In the prepare phase, you will have a few seconds to organize your fallout shelter and decide who gets what item. You will also have to read a survival guide that will give you some tips and instructions on how to survive in the post-apocalyptic world.

In the survive phase, you will have to manage your resources and deal with various events that will happen in your fallout shelter. You will have to ration food and water for your family members, use items wisely, read radio broadcasts, answer phone calls, trade with strangers, etc. You will also have to monitor your family members’ health, hunger, thirst, fatigue, sickness, injury, insanity, etc., and try to keep them alive and sane as long as possible.

In the decide phase, you will have to make difficult decisions that will affect your survival. You will have to choose whether to go out and explore the wasteland or stay in your fallout shelter. You will have to choose who to send out and what items to give them. You will have to choose how to deal with raiders, mutants, bandits, etc., that might attack or visit your fallout shelter. You will have to choose whether to cooperate or compete with other survivors. You will have to choose whether to be selfish or altruistic. You will have to choose whether to live or die.

The Modes: Survival, Apocalypse, Scavenge, and Challenge

60 Seconds! Atomic Adventure has four different modes that you can play: survival mode, apocalypse mode, scavenge mode, and challenge mode. Each mode has its own features and objectives that will test your skills and strategies. Here is a brief description of each mode:

Survival Mode

Survival mode is the default and most popular mode of 60 Seconds! Atomic Adventure. In this mode, you will have to survive in your fallout shelter for as long as possible. You will have to scavenge, prepare, survive, and decide as described above. You will also have to face random events and scenarios that will make your survival more challenging and interesting. You can choose between three difficulty levels: easy, normal, and hard. You can also choose between two versions of the game: the original 60 Seconds! or the Reatomized version, which has improved graphics, sound, gameplay, and content.

Apocalypse Mode

Apocalypse mode is similar to survival mode, but with a twist. In this mode, you will have to scavenge and prepare as usual, but you will not be able to see what items you are grabbing until you reach your fallout shelter. This means that you will have to rely on your memory and luck to grab the right items for your survival. You will also have to face more difficult and unpredictable events and scenarios in your fallout shelter. You can choose between three difficulty levels: easy, normal, and hard. You can also choose between two versions of the game: the original 60 Seconds! or the Reatomized version.

Scavenge Mode

Scavenge mode is a mode that focuses on the scavenge phase of the game. In this mode, you will have to collect as many items as you can from your house in 60 seconds. You will not have to worry about preparing or surviving in your fallout shelter. You will only have to worry about grabbing the most valuable and useful items for your survival. You can choose between three difficulty levels: easy, normal, and hard. You can also choose between two versions of the game: the original 60 Seconds! or the Reatomized version.

Challenge Mode

Challenge mode is a mode that offers you specific and unique challenges that will test your skills and strategies. In this mode, you will have to scavenge, prepare, survive, and decide according to certain rules and conditions that will vary depending on the challenge. For example, you might have to scavenge only certain items, or survive with only one family member, or deal with a specific event or scenario. You can choose from various challenges that are available in the game, or create your own custom challenge with your own rules and conditions. You can also choose between two versions of the game: the original 60 Seconds! or the Reatomized version.

Tips and Tricks for 60 Seconds! Atomic Adventure

Now that you know how to play 60 Seconds! Atomic Adventure, you might be looking for some tips and tricks that will help you survive longer and better. Well, don’t worry, we are here to help you with that too. Here are some tips and tricks that we have gathered from our own experience and from other players of the game:

How to Scavenge Effectively: What to Grab and What to Leave Behind

Scavenging is one of the most important and challenging phases of the game. You will have only 60 seconds to grab as many items as you can from your house before the nuclear bomb hits. Here are some tips on what to grab and what to leave behind:

  • The most essential items for your survival are food, water, radio, medkit, gas mask, map, flashlight, axe, rifle, ammo, padlock, suitcase, bug spray, harmonica, and scout handbook. You should try to grab as many of these items as you can, as they will help you with your survival, exploration, defense, and morale.
  • The least essential items for your survival are books, cards, toys, chessboard, checkers, and playing cards. You can grab some of these items if you have extra space and time, as they will help you with your sanity and entertainment.
  • The most essential family members for your survival are Ted and Dolores. You should try to grab both of them, as they are the only ones who can go out and explore the wasteland. They are also more resilient and resourceful than the children.
  • The least essential family members for your survival are Mary Jane and Timmy. You can grab one or both of them if you have extra space and time, as they will provide you with some company and support. However, they are also more vulnerable and needy than the adults.
  • The best strategy for scavenging is to plan ahead and memorize the layout of your house and the location of the items. You should also prioritize grabbing the items that are closest to your fallout shelter first, and then move on to the items that are farther away. You should also avoid wasting time on opening doors or cabinets, as they will slow you down.

How to Manage Your Resources: Ration Food and Water, Use Items Wisely, and Deal with Events

Managing your resources is another important and challenging phase of the game. You will have to ration food and water for your family members, use items wisely, and deal with various events that will happen in your fallout shelter. Here are some tips on how to manage your resources:

  • The most important resource for your survival is water. You should try to provide each family member with at least one bottle of water every four days, or else they will die of dehydration. You can also use water to trade with strangers or to cure sickness or injury.
  • The second most important resource for your survival is food. You should try to provide each family member with at least one can of soup every five days, or else they will die of starvation. You can also use food to trade with strangers or to boost morale or sanity.
  • The best way to ration food and water is to give each family member a full portion every four or five days, rather than giving them a half portion every two or three days. This will help you save resources and prevent wastage.
  • The best way to use items is to use them only when necessary or beneficial. For example, you should use the radio to listen to broadcasts that will give you useful information or opportunities. You should use the medkit to heal sickness or injury that could be fatal or debilitating. You should use the gas mask to protect yourself from radiation or contamination when going out.
  • The best way to deal with events is to be cautious and smart. For example, you should answer phone calls that could lead to rescue or assistance. You should trade with strangers that offer fair deals or valuable items. You should fight back against raiders or bandits that threaten your safety or resources.

How to Explore the Wasteland: When to Go Out, Who to Send, and What to Expect

Exploring the wasteland is another important and challenging phase of the game. You will have to decide when to go out, who to send, and what to expect from your exploration. Here are some tips on how to explore the wasteland:

  • The best time to go out is when you have a radio that tells you that it is safe or beneficial to do so. For example, you should go out when the radio says that there is no radiation or contamination in the air. You should also go out when the radio says that there is a military convoy or a friendly group nearby.
  • The best person to send out is Ted or Dolores, as they are the only ones who can go out and explore the wasteland. They are also more resilient and resourceful than the children. However, you should also consider their health, hunger, thirst, fatigue, sickness, injury, insanity, etc., before sending them out.
  • The best items to give them are the gas mask, the map, the flashlight, the axe, the rifle, the ammo, the padlock, the suitcase, the bug spray, the harmonica, and the scout handbook. These items will help them with their survival, defense, navigation, exploration, and morale.
  • The best thing to expect from your exploration is to find more resources, items, or survivors that will help you with your survival. However, you should also be prepared for the worst, such as encountering enemies, traps, dangers, or disasters that will harm you or your resources.


60 Seconds! Atomic Adventure is a dark comedy atomic adventure game that will challenge you to survive the nuclear apocalypse. You will have to scavenge, prepare, survive, and decide as you face various events and scenarios that will test your skills and strategies. You will also have to manage your resources, use your items wisely, and explore the wasteland. You will also have to deal with your family members and their health, hunger, thirst, fatigue, sickness, injury, insanity, etc.

If you are looking for a fun and exciting game that will make you laugh and cry at the same time, then you should download 60 Seconds! Atomic Adventure on your preferred platform. You can download the game from the Google Play Store for Android devices, Steam for Windows and macOS devices, or GameLoop for PC devices. You can also choose between different modes, difficulty levels, and versions of the game.

So, what are you waiting for? Download 60 Seconds! Atomic Adventure today and see if you can survive the nuclear apocalypse!


Here are some frequently asked questions about 60 Seconds! Atomic Adventure:

Q1: Is 60 Seconds! Atomic Adventure a multiplayer game?

A1: No, 60 Seconds! Atomic Adventure is a single-player game. You can only play as Ted and control his actions and decisions. However, you can share your achievements and stories with other players online or offline.

Q2: How long does it take to finish 60 Seconds! Atomic Adventure?

A2: It depends on how well you play and how lucky you are. The game has no fixed ending or time limit. You can survive for as long as possible or die as soon as possible. The game also has multiple endings and outcomes that depend on your choices and actions. The average playtime of 60 Seconds! Atomic Adventure is about 2 hours.

Q3: What are the differences between the original 60 Seconds! and the Reatomized version?

A3: The Reatomized version is an updated and improved version of the original 60 Seconds!. It has better graphics, sound, gameplay, and content. It also has new features such as new events, scenarios, characters, items, modes, challenges, etc. You can choose between the original 60 Seconds! or the Reatomized version when you download the game.

Q4: Can I play 60 Seconds! Atomic Adventure offline?

A4: Yes, you can play 60 Seconds! Atomic Adventure offline. You do not need an internet connection to play the game. However, you will need an internet connection to download the game, update the game, or access some online features such as achievements, leaderboards, etc.

Q5: Is there a sequel to 60 Seconds! Atomic Adventure?

A5: Yes, there is a sequel to 60 Seconds! Atomic Adventure. It is called 60 Parsecs! and it is a sci-fi comedy atomic adventure game that follows a similar gameplay and premise as 60 Seconds! Atomic Adventure. In this game, you will play as an astronaut who has to scavenge, prepare, survive, and decide in a space station after a nuclear war. You can download 60 Parsecs! from Steam for Windows and macOS devices.


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