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Free Download 2021 Betty Azar Understanding Using English Grammar

Free Download Betty Azar Understanding Using English Grammar

If you are looking for a comprehensive and practical guide to learn and master English grammar, you might have heard of Betty Azar Understanding Using English Grammar. This book is one of the most popular and widely used textbooks for teaching and learning English grammar around the world. In this article, we will tell you what this book is about, who are the authors, why it is useful for learners of English grammar, what are the features of the book, how to download it for free, and some tips and precautions to follow. We will also answer some frequently asked questions about the book at the end.


Betty Azar Understanding Using English Grammar is a textbook that covers all the essential aspects of English grammar, from the basics to the advanced topics. It is designed for intermediate to advanced learners of English as a second or foreign language, as well as teachers and instructors who want to improve their grammar knowledge and skills. The book is divided into 16 chapters, each focusing on a specific grammar point or category, such as verb tenses, modals, noun clauses, adjective clauses, gerunds and infinitives, etc. Each chapter consists of clear explanations, examples, charts, exercises, tests, and appendices. The book also includes a glossary, an index, and an answer key.

The authors of the book are Betty S. Azar and Stacy A. Hagen. Betty S. Azar is a former professor of English at Seattle Pacific University and a renowned expert in English grammar teaching. She has written several other books on English grammar, such as Fundamentals of English Grammar and Basic English Grammar. Stacy A. Hagen is a former teacher of English at Arizona State University and a co-author of several books on English grammar with Betty S. Azar. She has also developed online courses and materials for English grammar learning.

The book is useful for learners of English grammar because it provides them with a systematic and thorough approach to understanding and using English grammar in various contexts. The book helps learners to develop their accuracy, fluency, confidence, and communication skills in English. The book also helps learners to prepare for various exams and tests that require a high level of grammar proficiency, such as TOEFL, IELTS, TOEIC, etc.

Features of the book

Clear explanations and examples

The book offers clear and concise explanations of each grammar point or category, using simple language and terminology that learners can easily understand. The book also provides numerous examples to illustrate how each grammar point or category is used in sentences and paragraphs. The examples are taken from authentic sources, such as newspapers, magazines, books, websites, etc., to show how grammar is used in real-life situations.

Interactive exercises and tests

The book contains a variety of exercises and tests that allow learners to practice and check their understanding of each grammar point or category. The exercises include multiple-choice questions, fill-in-the-blanks, matching, rewriting, editing, etc. The tests include quizzes, reviews, progress checks, etc. The exercises and tests are interactive and engaging, as they involve different skills, such as reading, writing, listening, speaking, etc. The exercises and tests also provide feedback and explanations for correct and incorrect answers.

Audio and video support

The book comes with audio and video support

The book comes with audio and video support that enhance the learning experience and make it more interactive and fun. The audio support includes recordings of the examples, exercises, and tests, as well as additional listening activities and dialogues. The video support includes clips of native speakers using the grammar points or categories in various situations, as well as additional speaking activities and interviews. The audio and video support can be accessed online or downloaded to a computer or a mobile device.

How to download the book for free

Legal and ethical issues

Before you decide to download the book for free, you should be aware of the legal and ethical issues involved. The book is a copyrighted material that belongs to the authors and the publishers. Downloading the book for free without their permission or consent is considered an illegal act of piracy that violates their intellectual property rights. It is also an unethical act that deprives them of their deserved income and recognition. Therefore, you should respect the authors and the publishers and buy the book from a legitimate source if you can afford it.

Sources and links

If you still want to download the book for free, you should be careful about the sources and links that you use. There are many websites and platforms that claim to offer the book for free, but some of them may be unreliable, unsafe, or fraudulent. They may contain viruses, malware, spyware, or other harmful software that can damage your device or steal your personal information. They may also require you to register, sign up, pay, or complete surveys or tasks that are unnecessary, annoying, or risky. Therefore, you should do some research and check the reputation and credibility of the sources and links before you use them.

Tips and precautions

Here are some tips and precautions that you should follow when you download the book for free:

  • Use a reliable antivirus software and a VPN service to protect your device and your privacy.
  • Use a PDF reader or a compatible software to open and view the book.
  • Scan the file for any viruses or malware before you open it.
  • Do not share the file with others or upload it to other websites or platforms.
  • Do not modify, edit, copy, or distribute the content of the book without permission.
  • Do not use the book for commercial purposes or profit.
  • Acknowledge the authors and the publishers when you use the book for academic or personal purposes.


In conclusion, Betty Azar Understanding Using English Grammar is a great book for learners of English grammar who want to improve their knowledge and skills in a comprehensive and practical way. The book offers clear explanations, examples, exercises, tests, audio, and video support that cover all the essential aspects of English grammar. However, downloading the book for free may involve some legal and ethical issues, as well as some risks and challenges. Therefore, you should be careful about the sources and links that you use, and follow some tips and precautions to ensure a safe and smooth download process.


What are the differences between the editions of the book?

The book has four editions so far: the first edition was published in 1989, the second edition in 1998, the third edition in 2005, and the fourth edition in 2016. The main differences between the editions are:

First editionThe original version of the book that introduced the basic framework and structure of English grammar.
Second editionAn updated version of the book that added more examples, exercises, tests, charts, appendices, glossary, index, answer key, etc.
Third editionA revised version of the book that incorporated new research findings and feedback from users. It also added more interactive features such as audio CDs, online resources, etc.
Fourth editionA modernized version of the book that adapted to the changes in technology and communication. It also added more video clips, online activities, digital downloads, etc.

How can I use the book effectively?

To use the book effectively, you should follow these steps:

  1. Determine your level of English grammar proficiency and choose the appropriate chapter or section that suits your needs.
  2. Read the explanations carefully and study the examples closely.
  3. Do the exercises and tests regularly and check your answers with the answer key or the online feedback.
  4. Listen to the audio recordings and watch the video clips to improve your listening and speaking skills.
  5. Review the charts, appendices, glossary, index, etc. to reinforce your grammar knowledge and skills.
  6. Use the online resources and activities to supplement your learning and practice.

What are some alternatives to the book?

If you are looking for some alternatives to the book, you can try these options:

  • English Grammar in Use by Raymond Murphy. This is another popular and widely used textbook for intermediate to advanced learners of English grammar. It has a similar format and structure as Betty Azar Understanding Using English Grammar, but it focuses more on British English rather than American English.
  • The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation by Jane Straus, Lester Kaufman, and Tom Stern. This is a handy and concise reference guide for learners of English grammar and punctuation. It covers the most common rules, errors, and questions that learners encounter in their writing and speaking.
  • Grammarly. This is an online tool and app that helps learners of English grammar to check and correct their grammar, spelling, punctuation, and style errors. It also provides suggestions, explanations, examples, and feedback to help learners improve their grammar skills.

How can I get feedback on my grammar skills?

To get feedback on your grammar skills, you can use these methods:

  • Ask a teacher, a tutor, a friend, or a native speaker to review your work and give you comments and suggestions.
  • Join an online community or forum where you can share your work and get feedback from other learners or experts.
  • Take an online test or quiz that evaluates your grammar level and gives you a score and a report.
  • Use an online tool or app that analyzes your grammar skills and gives you feedback and recommendations.

How can I improve my grammar further?

To improve your grammar further, you can do these things:

  • Read more books, articles, blogs, etc. that use good grammar and vocabulary.
  • Write more essays, stories, emails, etc. that practice your grammar and punctuation.
  • Listen to more podcasts, audiobooks, songs, etc. that expose you to different accents and expressions.
  • Speak more with native speakers or other learners who can help you with your pronunciation and fluency.
  • Learn more rules, tips, tricks, shortcuts, etc. that can help you with your grammar challenges.


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