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How to Care for a Poodle the Right Way, Don’t Take the Wrong Steps

How to Care for a Poodle the Right Way, Don’t Take the Wrong Steps
Poodles have some unique dog grooming care aspects compared to other dog breeds

10 Ways to Care for a Poodle the Right Way, Don’t Take the Wrong StepsFreepik/Drazen Zigic
Sania Chandra
Sania Chandra
Poodles or poodles are a type of dog that is easy to care for. However, owners should know that caring for a poodle should not be careless.

Because this thick-haired dog needs light exercise, eats nutritious food, and must be socialized well to prevent anxiety and hyperactive behavior.

Although poodles do not require extra care than other dog breeds, they do require extensive and consistent care to stay healthy.

Launching from Poodle Report, here Popmama.com is ready to discuss how to care for poodles.

  1. Give your poodle a nutritious diet
  2. Give your poodle a nutritious diet
    Proper care for a poodle begins with providing a high-quality diet. Poodles are prone to obesity, so you need to monitor their diet carefully and make sure to give them enough exercise every day.

Here are some tips on diet and nutrition for poodles, including:

Feed your poodle with high-quality food (not leftovers).
Monitor your poodle’s eating habits. Because poodles can become fat very easily if they eat too much.
Poodles need a lot of water to digest their food well, so provide your pet with water every day.
To help prevent obesity, make sure your poodle has enough space to run around and play. Or you can also take him for a walk or let the poodle run around freely in a closed area.
Make sure to take your poodle for a walk at least once every day as poodles are very active and need regular exercise.
Avoid exercising your mama poodle on hot days to prevent overheating.

  1. Brush your poodle’s coat every day
  2. Brush your poodle’s coat every day
    Brush your poodle’s coat daily to keep shedding under control. It is known that poodles take longer to change their coat than most dog breeds out there.

Poodles’ coats change naturally every three weeks. Meanwhile, other breeds of dogs shed every few days. The main difference between poodles and other breeds is that poodles need to be groomed to remove loose fur.

Make sure you brush them before they go outside or come back inside, so you don’t have to bother sweeping up their loose fur around the house.

  1. Carry out regular grooming to prevent tangles in your poodle’s fur
  2. Carry out regular grooming to prevent tangles in your poodle’s fur
    Make sure your poodle is groomed regularly, especially its curly coat. A poodle’s hair can become very tangled if not looked after properly.

Tangled hair can cause sores or skin irritation that may require a veterinarian’s consultation.

If your pudrl seems to be frequently biting its fur or skin, it could be due to its matted fur. This can cause scratches or tears in the skin under the dog’s fur.

  1. Trim your poodle’s nails every 3-4 weeks
  2. Trim your poodle’s nails every 3-4 weeks
    Pexels/Goochie Poochie Grooming
    It is important to trim your poodle’s nails regularly as well. Poodles’ nails need to be trimmed regularly to ensure they don’t grow too big.

Because long nails can cause pain when walking and interfere with other activities, such as playing fetch or running after children.

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  1. Take your poodle to the groomer every 6-8 weeks
  2. Take your poodle to the groomer every 6-8 weeks
    For mothers who have poodles, don’t forget to take them to the groomer every 6-8 weeks. It’s important to keep your pet looking clean and attractive.

A groomer also needs to be careful about trimming the poodle’s fur so as not to cause injury or cause discomfort to the dog.

Regular and thorough grooming can help poodles avoid various health problems caused by hair getting stuck in their skin or clogging their pores. The care that poodles receive should include: shampooing, brushing, and trimming their fur