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How to Download Sohni Mahiwal Movie in MP4 Format for Free

Sohni Mahiwal is a 1984 Bollywood movie based on the classic love story of Sohni and Mahiwal, who defied their families and society for their love. The movie stars Sunny Deol as Mirza Izzat Beg, a young man who falls in love with Sohni, played by Poonam Dhillon, a potter’s daughter. The movie also features Zeenat Aman, Pran, Tanuja and Gulshan Grover in supporting roles.

If you are a fan of this movie and want to watch it on your device, you might be wondering how to download Sohni Mahiwal movie in MP4 format for free. MP4 is a popular video format that is compatible with most devices and media players. However, finding a reliable and safe source to download this movie can be tricky. In this article, we will show you some ways to download Sohni Mahiwal movie in MP4 format for free.

Method 1: Watch Sohni Mahiwal Movie on Netflix

One of the easiest ways to watch Sohni Mahiwal movie in MP4 format is to stream it on Netflix. Netflix is a leading online streaming service that offers a wide range of movies and shows, including Sohni Mahiwal. You can watch Sohni Mahiwal movie on Netflix with a subscription plan that suits your budget and preferences. You can also download Sohni Mahiwal movie in MP4 format on your device using the Netflix app.

To watch Sohni Mahiwal movie on Netflix, follow these steps:

  1. Go to and sign up for an account if you don’t have one.
  2. Choose a subscription plan that meets your needs and preferences.
  3. Search for Sohni Mahiwal movie on the Netflix website or app.
  4. Click on the play button to start streaming the movie.
  5. If you want to download Sohni Mahiwal movie in MP4 format on your device, click on the download icon next to the play button.
  6. Select the video quality and storage location for the download.
  7. Wait for the download to finish and enjoy watching Sohni Mahiwal movie offline.

Note: Downloading Sohni Mahiwal movie on Netflix requires an active subscription and an internet connection. You can only watch the downloaded movie on the device where you downloaded it. You can also delete the downloaded movie from your device anytime.

Method 2: Download Sohni Mahiwal Movie from IMDb

Another way to download Sohni Mahiwal movie in MP4 format for free is to use IMDb. IMDb is a popular online database that provides information about movies, shows, actors, directors and more. You can also watch some movies and shows on IMDb for free with ads. Sohni Mahiwal movie is one of them.

To download Sohni Mahiwal movie from IMDb, follow these steps:

  1. Go to and sign up for an account if you don’t have one.
  2. Search for Sohni Mahiwal movie on the IMDb website or app.
  3. Click on the watch options button next to the movie title.
  4. Select IMDb TV as the source to watch the movie for free with ads.
  5. Click on the play button to start streaming the movie.
  6. If you want to download Sohni Mahiwal movie in MP4 format on your device, you will need a third-party video downloader tool such as Video Downloader Professional or 4K Video Downloader.
  7. Install the video downloader tool on your device and follow its instructions to download Sohni Mahiwal movie from IMDb.
  8. Select the video quality and storage location for the download.
  9. Wait for the download to finish and enjoy watching Sohni Mahiwal movie offline.

Note: Downloading Sohni Mahiwal movie from IMDb requires an account and an internet connection. You may also need to install additional software or extensions to download the movie. You should also check the legality and safety of downloading movies from IMDb before doing so.

Method 3: Download Sohni Mahiwal Movie from YouTube

A third way to download Sohni Mahiwal movie in MP4 format for free is to use YouTube. YouTube is a popular online video-sharing platform that hosts millions of videos, including movies and shows. You can watch Sohni Mahiwal movie on YouTube for free with ads. You can also download Sohni Mahiwal movie in MP4 format on your device using a YouTube video downloader tool.

To download Sohni Mahiwal movie from YouTube, follow these steps:

  1. Go to and sign up for an account if you don’t have one.
  2. Search for Sohni Mahiwal movie on the YouTube website or app.
  3. Select the video that matches the movie title and duration.
  4. Click on the play button to start streaming the movie.
  5. If you want to download Sohni Mahiwal movie in MP4 format on your device, you will need a YouTube video downloader tool such as Y2Mate or
  6. Copy the URL of the YouTube video and paste it on the video downloader tool’s website or app.
  7. Select MP4 as the output format and choose the video quality and size.
  8. Click on the download button and wait for the download to finish.
  9. Enjoy watching Sohni Mahiwal movie offline on your device.

Note: Downloading Sohni Mahiwal movie from YouTube requires an account and an internet connection. You may also need to install additional software or extensions to download the movie. You should also check the legality and safety of downloading movies from YouTube before doing so.

Method 4: Download Sohni Mahiwal Movie from Torrent Sites

A fourth way to download Sohni Mahiwal movie in MP4 format for free is to use torrent sites. Torrent sites are online platforms that allow users to share and download files, including movies and shows, using peer-to-peer technology. You can find Sohni Mahiwal movie on torrent sites such as The Pirate Bay, 1337x, or RARBG. You can also download Sohni Mahiwal movie in MP4 format on your device using a torrent client such as BitTorrent or uTorrent.

To download Sohni Mahiwal movie from torrent sites, follow these steps:

  1. Go to a torrent site of your choice and search for Sohni Mahiwal movie.
  2. Select the torrent file that matches the movie title, quality, size, and seeders.
  3. Download the torrent file or copy the magnet link.
  4. Open the torrent file or paste the magnet link on a torrent client installed on your device.
  5. Select the destination folder for the download and start the download process.
  6. Wait for the download to finish and enjoy watching Sohni Mahiwal movie offline on your device.

Note: Downloading Sohni Mahiwal movie from torrent sites requires a torrent client and an internet connection. You may also need to use a VPN service to access some torrent sites that are blocked in your region. You should also check the legality and safety of downloading movies from torrent sites before doing so.

Method 5: Watch Sohni Mahiwal Movie Online for Free

A fifth way to watch Sohni Mahiwal movie in MP4 format for free is to use online streaming sites. Online streaming sites are websites that host movies and shows for free with ads. You can find Sohni Mahiwal movie on online streaming sites such as Einthusan, Hindilinks4u, or Filmywap. You can also download Sohni Mahiwal movie in MP4 format on your device using a web browser or a screen recorder tool.

To watch Sohni Mahiwal movie online for free, follow these steps:

  1. Go to an online streaming site of your choice and search for Sohni Mahiwal movie.
  2. Select the video that matches the movie title and quality.
  3. Click on the play button to start streaming the movie.
  4. If you want to download Sohni Mahiwal movie in MP4 format on your device, you will need a web browser that supports video downloading such as Chrome or Firefox, or a screen recorder tool such as OBS Studio or Camtasia.
  5. Right-click on the video and select save video as or copy video address, depending on your web browser.
  6. Select the destination folder for the download and start the download process.
  7. Alternatively, you can use a screen recorder tool to record the video while streaming it on your device.
  8. Select the recording area, audio source, output format and quality.
  9. Click on the record button and wait for the movie to finish streaming.
  10. Enjoy watching Sohni Mahiwal movie offline on your device.

Note: Watching Sohni Mahiwal movie online for free requires an internet connection. You may also need to install additional software or extensions to stream or download the movie. You should also check the legality and safety of watching movies online for free before doing so.

Sohni Mahiwal Movie Review

Sohni Mahiwal is a movie that has received mixed reviews from critics and viewers. Some people have praised the movie for its beautiful music, stunning visuals, and impressive performances of the lead actors. Others have criticized the movie for its slow pace, weak script, and lack of originality. Here are some of the reviews from IMDb and Rotten Tomatoes:

  • «Sohni Mahiwal is an epic romantic movie based on a tragic love story set in the medieval era. The movie was directed by the legendary filmmaker, Umesh Mehra, and released in 1984. The film is remembered even today for its beautiful songs, stunning visuals, and the impressive performances of the lead actors.» — Peter_Young (IMDb)
  • «Sohni Mahiwal review : Sunny Deol’s debut ‘Betaab’ was a smash hit of 1983. Naturally, there were high expectations from his next release and Sohni Mahiwal did not disappoint the audience. Produced by FC Mehra’s Eagle Films, this was their second Indo- Soviet co-production after the successful Alibaba aur 40 Chor (1980). Re-telling the classic love saga of Sohni Mahiwal, Sunny Deol and Poonam Dhillon played the eternal couple whom even death couldn’t keep apart.» — nadkarnisumeet (IMDb)
  • «No critic reviews yet…» — Rotten Tomatoes

Overall, Sohni Mahiwal is a movie that appeals to fans of epic romances and classic love stories. The movie’s powerful storytelling, impressive performances, beautiful music, and stunning visuals make it a must-watch for all lovers of sohnimahiwalmoviemp4download.
