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Terjemah Kitab Qurrotul Uyun PDF Bahasa Indonesia: A Book on Islamic Marriage and Family Life

Terjemah Kitab Qurrotul Uyun PDF Bahasa Indonesia is a book that translates and explains the original Arabic book of Qurrotul Uyun, which is a book on Islamic jurisprudence and ethics regarding marriage and family life. The book was written by Sheikh Muhammad al-Tahami bin Madani, who was a scholar and jurist from Morocco in the 16th century. The book is based on the poem of Sheikh Qasim bin Ahmad bin Musa bin Yamun, who was also a scholar and jurist from Yemen in the 13th century.

The book covers various topics and aspects of marriage and family life in Islam, such as the criteria for choosing a spouse, the rules and etiquette of marriage, the rights and duties of husband and wife, the methods and manners of sexual intercourse, the do’s and don’ts of pregnancy and childbirth, the upbringing and education of children, and many more. The book also provides practical tips and advice on how to enhance the love and harmony between husband and wife, how to deal with marital problems and conflicts, how to avoid divorce and adultery, how to achieve sexual satisfaction and pleasure, how to conceive a child of a desired gender, and many more.

The book is written in a clear and simple language that is easy to understand by anyone who can read Bahasa Indonesia. The book also uses authentic sources from the Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), as well as the opinions and views of various scholars and experts from different schools of thought in Islam. The book also includes some illustrations and diagrams that help to explain some concepts and procedures in a visual way.

Why should you read Terjemah Kitab Qurrotul Uyun PDF Bahasa Indonesia?

There are many reasons why you should read Terjemah Kitab Qurrotul Uyun PDF Bahasa Indonesia, especially if you are a Muslim who is married or planning to get married. Here are some of them:

  • You can learn about the Islamic teachings and guidance on marriage and family life: Marriage and family life are very important aspects of Islam, as they are the foundation of society and civilization. Islam has given detailed instructions and guidance on how to establish and maintain a successful and happy marriage and family life that is pleasing to Allah (SWT) and beneficial to oneself and others. By reading this book, you can learn about these instructions and guidance from the Quran, the Sunnah, and the scholars of Islam.
  • You can improve your relationship with your spouse: Marriage is a sacred bond between two people who love each other for the sake of Allah (SWT) and who want to help each other achieve happiness in this world and the hereafter. However, marriage is not always easy or smooth, as there are many challenges and difficulties that may arise along the way. By reading this book, you can learn how to overcome these challenges and difficulties by following the Islamic principles and values that govern marriage. You can also learn how to increase your love, affection, respect, trust, communication, cooperation, intimacy, compatibility, understanding, forgiveness, patience, gratitude, kindness, generosity, loyalty, honesty, faithfulness, support, protection, care, compassion, mercy, tenderness, gentleness, romance, passion, excitement, fun, joy, happiness, peace, tranquility, satisfaction and pleasure with your spouse.
  • You can fulfill your rights and duties as a husband or wife: Marriage is not only a relationship of love and companionship but also a relationship of rights and duties. Islam has given both husband and wife certain rights and duties that they have to fulfill towards each other in order to maintain a balanced and harmonious relationship. By reading this book, you can learn what these rights and duties are and how to fulfill them properly according to Islam.
  • You can raise your children in an Islamic way: Children are a blessing from Allah (SWT) and a trust that He has given to parents. Parents have a great responsibility to raise their children in an Islamic way that will make them good Muslims who will worship Allah (SWT), follow His commands, obey His messengers and serve His creation. By reading this book, you can learn how to raise your children in an Islamic way by teaching them the basics of faith, the pillars of Islam, the morals and manners of Islam, the stories and lessons of the Quran and the Sunnah, the rights and duties of parents and children, the importance of education, the dangers of bad influences, the challenges of adolescence, the guidance on marriage and family life, and many more.

How can you download Terjemah Kitab Qurrotul Uyun PDF Bahasa Indonesia?

If you want to download Terjemah Kitab Qurrotul Uyun PDF Bahasa Indonesia, you can visit some of these websites that offer free download links for the book:

  • Iqra.id: This is a website that provides various Islamic books and articles in Bahasa Indonesia. You can find Terjemah Kitab Qurrotul Uyun PDF Bahasa Indonesia here, as well as other books on marriage and family life in Islam.
  • Tinta Santri: This is a website that offers various Islamic books and resources in Bahasa Indonesia. You can find Terjemah Kitab Qurrotul Uyun PDF Bahasa Indonesia here, as well as other books on Islamic jurisprudence and ethics.
  • Iqra.id: This is another website that provides various Islamic books and articles in Bahasa Indonesia. You can find Terjemah Kitab Qurrotul Uyun PDF Bahasa Indonesia here, as well as other books on Islamic marriage and family life.

How can you read Terjemah Kitab Qurrotul Uyun PDF Bahasa Indonesia online or offline?

If you want to read Terjemah Kitab Qurrotul Uyun PDF Bahasa Indonesia online or offline, you can use some of these methods and tools:

  • Online: If you have an internet connection and a device that can access the web, you can read the book online by visiting one of the websites that offer free download links for the book. You can either read the book directly on the website or download the PDF file and open it with a PDF reader application. Some of the websites that offer free download links for the book are Iqra.id, Tinta Santri, and Iqra.id. You can also search for other websites that offer free download links for the book by using a search engine such as Google or Bing.
  • Offline: If you do not have an internet connection or a device that can access the web, you can read the book offline by downloading the PDF file and transferring it to a device that can read PDF files, such as a computer, a laptop, a tablet, a smartphone, an e-reader, etc. You can also print the PDF file and read it on paper. To download the PDF file, you can use one of the methods mentioned above or use a USB flash drive, a memory card, a CD-ROM, etc. to copy the file from another device that has an internet connection and a device that can access the web.

What are some alternatives to reading Terjemah Kitab Qurrotul Uyun PDF Bahasa Indonesia?

If you want to read Terjemah Kitab Qurrotul Uyun PDF Bahasa Indonesia but you cannot find or access the book for some reason, you can try some of these alternatives:

  • Read the original Arabic book of Qurrotul Uyun: If you can read and understand Arabic, you can read the original Arabic book of Qurrotul Uyun that was written by Sheikh Muhammad al-Tahami bin Madani. You can find the original Arabic book of Qurrotul Uyun here, as well as other books on Islamic jurisprudence and ethics in Arabic.
  • Read another translation of Qurrotul Uyun in another language: If you can read and understand another language besides Bahasa Indonesia, you can read another translation of Qurrotul Uyun in that language. For example, you can read a translation of Qurrotul Uyun in English here, in Urdu here, in Malay here, etc. You can also search for other translations of Qurrotul Uyun in other languages by using a search engine such as Google or Bing.
  • Read another book on Islamic marriage and family life in Bahasa Indonesia: If you want to read another book on Islamic marriage and family life in Bahasa Indonesia, you can choose from many other books that are available in Bahasa Indonesia. For example, you can read Fathul Izar by Sheikh Muhammad bin Ibrahim al-Tuhami here, Risalah Tuntunan Kaum Muslimin by Sheikh Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah bin Baz here, Nikah dan Keluarga Islami by Dr. Muhammad Ali al-Hashimi here, etc. You can also search for other books on Islamic marriage and family life in Bahasa Indonesia by using a search engine such as Google or Bing.

In conclusion, Terjemah Kitab Qurrotul Uyun PDF Bahasa Indonesia is a valuable and beneficial book for anyone who wants to learn about Islamic marriage and family life. The book is written in a clear and simple language that is easy to understand by anyone who can read Bahasa Indonesia. The book also uses authentic sources from the Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), as well as the opinions and views of various scholars and experts from different schools of thought in Islam. The book also includes some illustrations and diagrams that help to explain some concepts and procedures in a visual way.

The book covers various topics and issues related to marriage and family life, such as choosing a spouse, performing marriage rites, having sexual intercourse, dressing up and being faithful, having children, maintaining hygiene, respecting and honoring each other, providing for each other, educating children, etc. The book also provides some examples and stories of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and his companions, as well as other righteous and pious people who followed Islam in their lives.

The book is available in PDF format that can be downloaded for free from various websites. However, some of these websites may not have reliable or secure download links, and some of these PDF files may not have good quality or accuracy. Therefore, it is advisable to choose a reputable and trustworthy website that offers free download links for the book. It is also advisable to check the quality and accuracy of the PDF file before downloading it, and make sure that it is complete and readable.

The book can be read online or offline, depending on one’s preference and convenience. The book can also be read with one’s spouse or alone, depending on one’s intention and goal. The book can also be applied in one’s life or just read for knowledge, depending on one’s level of commitment and practice. The book can also be recommended to others or kept for oneself, depending on one’s generosity and wisdom.

The book has many benefits and outcomes for anyone who reads it with sincerity and faith. The book can increase one’s knowledge and understanding of Islam, improve one’s practice and application of Islam, enhance one’s spirituality and relationship with Allah (SWT), enrich one’s marriage and family life, inspire one’s character and behavior, etc.

Therefore, it is highly recommended to read Terjemah Kitab Qurrotul Uyun PDF Bahasa Indonesia for anyone who wants to learn about Islamic marriage and family life.

