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The Power Of Letting Go John Purkiss Pdf [EXCLUSIVE] Free Download

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The Power of Letting Go by John Purkiss: A Book Review

Have you ever felt stuck in a situation or a mindset that was holding you back from living your full potential? Have you ever wondered how to free yourself from the attachments and expectations that are causing you stress and suffering? If so, then you might want to read The Power of Letting Go by John Purkiss.

The Power of Letting Go is a self-help book that teaches you how to drop everything that’s holding you back and live intuitively. The author, John Purkiss, is an executive recruiter, an investor, and a speaker who has studied various spiritual traditions such as Advaita Vedanta, Buddhism, Kabbalah, and Sufism. He has also experienced firsthand the benefits of letting go in his own life.

In this book, Purkiss explains why we should let go and how we can do it, using proven techniques to make things happen. He outlines four stages of letting go: be present and enjoy each moment, let go of the thoughts that keep you stuck, let go of the pain that runs your life, and surrender and tune into something far more intelligent than your brain.

The main thesis of this book is that letting go is not only possible but also necessary for achieving happiness and success in life. By letting go, we can align ourselves with our true nature and purpose, tap into our intuition and creativity, overcome our fears and limitations, and attract more opportunities and abundance.


The introduction of this book sets the tone and context for what follows. Purkiss starts by sharing his personal story of how he discovered the power of letting go after going through a series of challenges in his career and relationships. He then explains what he means by letting go:

Some practical tips and suggestions on how to apply the lessons and insights from this book to your own life are:

  • Practice being present every day by meditating, breathing deeply, paying attention to your senses, or doing something that brings you joy.
  • Practice letting go of your thoughts every day by questioning them, replacing them with positive affirmations, writing them down and burning them or tearing them up, or ignoring them and focusing on something else.
  • Practice letting go of your pain every day by acknowledging it, expressing it, forgiving yourself and others, healing your inner child, or finding meaning and purpose in your experience.
  • Practice surrendering and tuning in every day by meditating, praying, asking for help, being open and receptive, following your joy and passion, and trusting the process.

The final call to action or question to engage the reader is:

«Are you ready to let go of everything that’s holding you back and live intuitively? If so, then grab a copy of this book and start your journey of letting go today. You won’t regret it.»


Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQs) about this book:

Q: Who is this book for?

A: This book is for anyone who wants to improve their life and well-being by letting go of what no longer serves them and opening up to what does. It is especially helpful for people who are facing challenges or transitions in their career, relationships, health, or personal growth.

Q: What is the main difference between this book and other books on letting go?

A: The main difference between this book and other books on letting go is that this book focuses on the practical and proven techniques to make things happen, rather than on the theoretical and philosophical aspects of letting go. This book also covers the four stages of letting go in detail, rather than just one or two aspects of letting go.

Q: How long does it take to read this book and apply its lessons?

A: The book is about 200 pages long and can be read in a few hours or days, depending on your reading speed and preference. However, applying its lessons may take longer, depending on your level of readiness and willingness to let go. The author suggests that you read the book at your own pace and practice the techniques as you go along, rather than trying to do everything at once.

Q: Where can I buy this book and how much does it cost?

A: You can buy this book online or offline from various retailers and platforms, such as Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Google Play, Apple Books, Kobo, Audible, etc. The price may vary depending on the format and edition of the book, but it is generally affordable and reasonable for the value that it offers.

Q: How can I contact the author or learn more about his work?

A: You can contact the author or learn more about his work by visiting his website, www.johnpurkiss.com, where you can find his bio, blog, podcast, videos, courses, events, testimonials, and other resources. You can also follow him on social media, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, etc.


Some practical tips and suggestions on how to apply the lessons and insights from this book to your own life are:

  • Practice being present every day by meditating, breathing deeply, paying attention to your senses, or doing something that brings you joy.
  • Practice letting go of your thoughts every day by questioning them, replacing them with positive affirmations, writing them down and burning them or tearing them up, or ignoring them and focusing on something else.
  • Practice letting go of your pain every day by acknowledging it, expressing it, forgiving yourself and others, healing your inner child, or finding meaning and purpose in your experience.
  • Practice surrendering and tuning in every day by meditating, praying, asking for help, being open and receptive, following your joy and passion, and trusting the process.

The final call to action or question to engage the reader is:

«Are you ready to let go of everything that’s holding you back and live intuitively? If so, then grab a copy of this book and start your journey of letting go today. You won’t regret it.»


Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQs) about this book:

Q: Who is this book for?

A: This book is for anyone who wants to improve their life and well-being by letting go of what no longer serves them and opening up to what does. It is especially helpful for people who are facing challenges or transitions in their career, relationships, health, or personal growth.

Q: What is the main difference between this book and other books on letting go?

A: The main difference between this book and other books on letting go is that this book focuses on the practical and proven techniques to make things happen, rather than on the theoretical and philosophical aspects of letting go. This book also covers the four stages of letting go in detail, rather than just one or two aspects of letting go.

Q: How long does it take to read this book and apply its lessons?

A: The book is about 200 pages long and can be read in a few hours or days, depending on your reading speed and preference. However, applying its lessons may take longer, depending on your level of readiness and willingness to let go. The author suggests that you read the book at your own pace and practice the techniques as you go along, rather than trying to do everything at once.

Q: Where can I buy this book and how much does it cost?

A: You can buy this book online or offline from various retailers and platforms, such as Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Google Play, Apple Books, Kobo, Audible, etc. The price may vary depending on the format and edition of the book, but it is generally affordable and reasonable for the value that it offers.

Q: How can I contact the author or learn more about his work?

A: You can contact the author or learn more about his work by visiting his website, www.johnpurkiss.com, where you can find his bio, blog, podcast, videos, courses, events, testimonials, and other resources. You can also follow him on social media, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, etc.



Letting go is not giving up, nor is it passive or weak. It is a powerful and active process of releasing what no longer serves you and opening up to what does. It is a way of living in the present moment, without being attached to the past or the future. It is a way of trusting your intuition and following your heart, without being controlled by your thoughts or emotions. It is a way of accepting what is, without resisting or judging it. It is a way of surrendering to a higher intelligence, without losing your identity or autonomy.»

Purkiss then introduces the four stages of letting go, which he describes as a journey from the head to the heart. He explains that each stage has its own challenges and rewards, and that they are not linear or sequential, but rather cyclical and interrelated. He also provides some practical tips and exercises to help the reader practice letting go in each stage.


The summary of this book provides a detailed overview of the four stages of letting go, as well as some examples and anecdotes from the author’s own experience and from other sources. Here are the main points of each stage:

Stage 1: Be Present and Enjoy Each Moment

The first stage of letting go is to be present and enjoy each moment, without worrying about the past or the future. Purkiss explains that being present means being aware of what is happening in your body, mind, and environment, without being distracted by your thoughts or emotions. He says that being present allows you to experience life more fully and deeply, and to appreciate the beauty and joy in every situation.

Purkiss also explains that being present helps you to let go of your ego, which is the part of you that identifies with your thoughts, opinions, beliefs, roles, and achievements. He says that your ego is often the source of your suffering, as it creates separation, conflict, fear, and insecurity. He suggests that you can let go of your ego by observing it with curiosity and compassion, without judging it or identifying with it.

Some of the techniques that Purkiss recommends for being present are meditation, mindfulness, breathing exercises, yoga, tai chi, qigong, walking in nature, listening to music, playing with children or animals, and doing something creative.

Stage 2: Let Go of the Thoughts That Keep You Stuck

The second stage of letting go is to let go of the thoughts that keep you stuck in negative patterns and habits. Purkiss explains that your thoughts are not facts, but rather interpretations and assumptions that you make based on your past experiences and conditioning. He says that many of your thoughts are limiting, irrational, or untrue, and that they prevent you from seeing reality as it is.

Purkiss also explains that your thoughts create your emotions, which in turn influence your actions and results. He says that by letting go of your thoughts, you can also let go of your emotions, such as anger, sadness, fear, guilt, shame, envy, or jealousy. He suggests that you can let go of your thoughts by questioning them with logic and evidence, by replacing them with positive affirmations or mantras, by writing them down and burning them or tearing them up, or by simply ignoring them and focusing on something else.

Some of the techniques that Purkiss recommends for letting go of your thoughts are cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT), neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), hypnosis, visualization, journaling, and gratitude practices.

Stage 3: Let Go of the Pain That Runs Your Life

The third stage of letting go is to let go of the pain that runs your life, such as trauma, grief, loss, betrayal, rejection, or abuse. Purkiss explains that your pain is often stored in your body and subconscious mind, and that it affects your behavior and choices in ways that you may not be aware of. He says that your pain can also manifest as physical symptoms, such as headaches, backaches, insomnia, or illness.

Purkiss also explains that your pain is not your enemy, but rather your teacher and healer. He says that your pain is there to show you what needs to be healed and released, and that by facing it and feeling it, you can transform it and transcend it. He suggests that you can let go of your pain by acknowledging it, expressing it, forgiving yourself and others, healing your inner child, and finding meaning and purpose in your experience.

Some of the techniques that Purkiss recommends for letting go of your pain are emotional freedom technique (EFT), eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR), somatic experiencing (SE), bioenergetic therapy, reiki, acupuncture, massage, aromatherapy, and art therapy.

Stage 4: Surrender and Tune into Something Far More Intelligent Than Your Brain

The fourth stage of letting go is to surrender and tune into something far more intelligent than your brain, such as your intuition, your higher self, your soul, or the universe. Purkiss explains that surrendering means giving up control and allowing things to happen naturally and effortlessly. He says that surrendering does not mean being passive or fatalistic, but rather being active and co-creative.

Purkiss also explains that tuning in means listening to and following the guidance and signs that come from within and without. He says that tuning in helps you to align yourself with your true nature and purpose, and to attract more opportunities and abundance. He suggests that you can surrender and tune in by meditating, praying, asking for help, being open and receptive, following your joy and passion, and trusting the process.

Some of the techniques that Purkiss recommends for surrendering and tuning in are transcendental meditation (TM), heart coherence technique (HCT), law of attraction (LOA), synchronicity (SYN), angel cards (AC), numerology (NUM), astrology (AST), and dream interpretation (DI).


The benefits of letting go are numerous and profound. Purkiss claims that by letting go, you can improve your life and well-being in various aspects, such as:

  • Health: Letting go can reduce stress, anxiety, depression, inflammation, blood pressure, cholesterol, pain, and disease. It can also increase immunity, energy, vitality, hormones, and longevity. It can also enhance your physical appearance, such as your skin, hair, nails, and weight.
  • Relationships: Letting go can improve your relationships with yourself and others. It can help you to love yourself more, to accept yourself as you are, and to be more confident and authentic. It can also help you to love others more, to accept them as they are, and to be more compassionate and empathetic. It can also help you to attract more compatible and supportive people into your life, and to resolve conflicts and misunderstandings more easily.
  • Creativity: Letting go can boost your creativity and innovation. It can help you to access your intuition and imagination, to generate more ideas and solutions, and to express yourself more freely and effectively. It can also help you to overcome creative blocks and fears, such as procrastination, perfectionism, criticism, or rejection. It can also help you to find more joy and fulfillment in your creative endeavors.
  • Prosperity: Letting go can increase your prosperity and abundance. It can help you to align yourself with your true passion and purpose, to discover your unique talents and gifts, and to pursue your dreams and goals. It can also help you to overcome scarcity and lack mentality, to develop a positive and abundant mindset, and to attract more opportunities and resources. It can also help you to manage your money and wealth more wisely and generously.

These are just some of the benefits of letting go that Purkiss mentions in his book. He also provides many testimonials and stories from his clients and readers who have experienced the positive effects of letting go in their lives.


The book is full of inspiring and insightful quotes from the author and from other sources, such as philosophers, spiritual teachers, scientists, artists, and celebrities. Here are some of the quotes that stood out for me:

«Letting go is the ultimate act of courage.»
— John Purkiss

«Some of us think holding on makes us strong; but sometimes it is letting go.»
— Hermann Hesse

«The truth is, unless you let go, unless you forgive yourself, unless you forgive the situation, unless you realize that the situation is over, you cannot move forward.»
— Steve Maraboli

«The only way out is through.»
— Robert Frost

«When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.»
— Lao Tzu

«The most important decision we make is whether we believe we live in a friendly or hostile universe.»
— Albert Einstein

«Don’t let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game.»
— Babe Ruth

«Creativity is intelligence having fun.»
— Albert Einstein

«The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.»
— Lao Tzu

«Abundance is not something we acquire. It is something we tune into.»
— Wayne Dyer

These are just some of the quotes that I found inspiring and relevant to the topic of letting go. There are many more in the book that you can explore and reflect on.


The review of this book is based on my personal opinion and feedback. Here are some of the strengths and weaknesses that I noticed:


  • The book is well-written, clear, concise, and engaging. The author uses simple language, short sentences, bullet points, tables, and examples to make the book easy to read and understand. He also uses stories, anecdotes, metaphors, and humor to make the book interesting and entertaining.
  • The book is well-researched, accurate, and original. The author draws from his own experience and knowledge, as well as from various sources and disciplines, such as psychology, neuroscience, spirituality, philosophy, and business. He also cites his sources and provides references for further reading.
  • The book is practical, useful, and relevant. The author provides many tips, exercises, and techniques to help the reader apply the concepts and principles of letting go to their own life. He also provides examples and testimonials from his clients and readers who have benefited from letting go.
  • The book is persuasive, inspiring, and empowering. The author makes a strong case for why letting go is important and beneficial for achieving happiness and success in life. He also motivates and encourages the reader to take action and to overcome their fears and challenges.


  • The book is somewhat repetitive, redundant, and vague. The author sometimes repeats the same points or concepts in different chapters or sections, without adding much new information or insight. He also sometimes uses vague or general terms or statements, without defining them clearly or giving specific examples.
  • The book is somewhat biased, subjective, and dogmatic. The author sometimes expresses his personal opinions or beliefs as facts or truths, without acknowledging other perspectives or possibilities. He also sometimes makes sweeping or absolute claims or recommendations, without considering the exceptions or nuances.
  • The book is somewhat outdated, incomplete, and inconsistent. The author sometimes refers to outdated or obsolete information or sources, without updating them or providing alternatives. He also sometimes leaves out important or relevant information or aspects of the topic of letting go, without explaining why or how. He also sometimes contradicts himself or changes his tone or style in different parts of the book.

These are some of the strengths and weaknesses that I noticed in this book. Of course, these are not exhaustive or definitive, and you may have a different opinion or experience of the book.


The conclusion of this book restates the main thesis and argument of the book, summarizes the main points and concepts of the book, provides some practical tips and suggestions on how to apply the lessons and insights from the book to your own life, and ends with a call to action or a question to engage the reader.

The main thesis and argument of this book is that letting go is a powerful and active process of releasing what no longer serves you and opening up to what does. By letting go, you can align yourself with your true nature and purpose, tap into your intuition and creativity, overcome your fears and limitations, and attract more opportunities and abundance.

The main points and concepts of this book are the four stages of letting go: be present and enjoy each moment, let go of the thoughts that keep you stuck, let go of the pain that runs your life, and surrender and tune into something far more intelligent than your brain. Each stage has its own challenges and rewards, and they are not linear or sequential, but rather cyclical and interrelated.

Some practical tips and suggestions on how to apply the lessons and insights from this book to your own life are:

  • Practice being present every day by meditating, breathing deeply, paying attention to your senses, or doing something that brings you joy.
  • Practice letting go of your thoughts every day by questioning them, replacing them with positive affirmations, writing them down and burning them or tearing them up, or ignoring them and focusing on something else.
  • Practice letting go of your pain every day by acknowledging it, expressing it, forgiving yourself and others, healing your inner child, or finding meaning and purpose in your experience.
  • Practice surrendering and tuning in every day by meditating, praying, asking for help, being open and receptive, following your joy and passion, and trusting the process.

The final call to action or question to engage the reader is:

«Are you ready to let go of everything that’s holding you back and live intuitively? If so, then grab a copy of this book and start your journey of letting go today. You won’t regret it.»


Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQs) about this book:

Q: Who is this book for?

A: This book is for anyone who wants to improve their life and well-being by letting go of what no longer serves them and opening up to what does. It is especially helpful for people who are facing challenges or transitions in their career, relationships, health, or personal growth.

Q: What is the main difference between this book and other books on letting go?

A: The main difference between this book and other books on letting go is that this book focuses on the practical and proven techniques to make things happen, rather than on the theoretical and philosophical aspects of letting go. This book also covers the four stages of letting go in detail, rather than just one or two aspects of letting go.

Q: How long does it take to read this book and apply its lessons?

A: The book is about 200 pages long and can be read in a few hours or days, depending on your reading speed and preference. However, applying its lessons may take longer, depending on your level of readiness and willingness to let go. The author suggests that you read the book at your own pace and practice the techniques as you go along, rather than trying to do everything at once.

Q: Where can I buy this book and how much does it cost?

A: You can buy this book online or offline from various retailers and platforms, such as Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Google Play, Apple Books, Kobo, Audible, etc. The price may vary depending on the format and edition of the book, but it is generally affordable and reasonable for the value that it offers.

Q: How can I contact the author or learn more about his work?

A: You can contact the author or learn more about his work by visiting his website, www.johnpurkiss.com, where you can find his bio, blog, podcast, videos, courses, events, testimonials, and other resources. You can also follow him on social media, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, etc.


Some practical tips and suggestions on how to apply the lessons and insights from this book to your own life are:

  • Practice being present every day by meditating, breathing deeply, paying attention to your senses, or doing something that brings you joy.
  • Practice letting go of your thoughts every day by questioning them, replacing them with positive affirmations, writing them down and burning them or tearing them up, or ignoring them and focusing on something else.
  • Practice letting go of your pain every day by acknowledging it, expressing it, forgiving yourself and others, healing your inner child, or finding meaning and purpose in your experience.
  • Practice surrendering and tuning in every day by meditating, praying, asking for help, being open and receptive, following your joy and passion, and trusting the process.

The final call to action or question to engage the reader is:

«Are you ready to let go of everything that’s holding you back and live intuitively? If so, then grab a copy of this book and start your journey of letting go today. You won’t regret it.»


Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQs) about this book:

Q: Who is this book for?

A: This book is for anyone who wants to improve their life and well-being by letting go of what no longer serves them and opening up to what does. It is especially helpful for people who are facing challenges or transitions in their career, relationships, health, or personal growth.

Q: What is the main difference between this book and other books on letting go?

A: The main difference between this book and other books on letting go is that this book focuses on the practical and proven techniques to make things happen, rather than on the theoretical and philosophical aspects of letting go. This book also covers the four stages of letting go in detail, rather than just one or two aspects of letting go.

Q: How long does it take to read this book and apply its lessons?

A: The book is about 200 pages long and can be read in a few hours or days, depending on your reading speed and preference. However, applying its lessons may take longer, depending on your level of readiness and willingness to let go. The author suggests that you read the book at your own pace and practice the techniques as you go along, rather than trying to do everything at once.

Q: Where can I buy this book and how much does it cost?

A: You can buy this book online or offline from various retailers and platforms, such as Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Google Play, Apple Books, Kobo, Audible, etc. The price may vary depending on the format and edition of the book, but it is generally affordable and reasonable for the value that it offers.

Q: How can I contact the author or learn more about his work?

A: You can contact the author or learn more about his work by visiting his website, www.johnpurkiss.com, where you can find his bio, blog, podcast, videos, courses, events, testimonials, and other resources. You can also follow him on social media, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, etc.



Letting go is not giving up, nor is it passive or weak. It is a powerful and active process of releasing what no longer serves you and opening up to what does. It is a way of living in the present moment, without being attached to the past or the future. It is a way of trusting your intuition and following your heart, without being controlled by your thoughts or emotions. It is a way of accepting what is, without resisting or judging it. It is a way of surrendering to a higher intelligence, without losing your identity or autonomy.»

Purkiss then introduces the four stages of letting go, which he describes as a journey from the head to the heart. He explains that each stage has its own challenges and rewards, and that they are not linear or sequential, but rather cyclical and interrelated. He also provides some practical tips and exercises to help the reader practice letting go in each stage.


The summary of this book provides a detailed overview of the four stages of letting go, as well as some examples and anecdotes from the author’s own experience and from other sources. Here are the main points of each stage:

Stage 1: Be Present and Enjoy Each Moment

The first stage of letting go is to be present and enjoy each moment, without worrying about the past or the future. Purkiss explains that being present means being aware of what is happening in your body, mind, and environment, without being distracted by your thoughts or emotions. He says that being present allows you to experience life more fully and deeply, and to appreciate the beauty and joy in every situation.

Purkiss also explains that being present helps you to let go of your ego, which is the part of you that identifies with your thoughts, opinions, beliefs, roles, and achievements. He says that your ego is often the source of your suffering, as it creates separation, conflict, fear, and insecurity. He suggests that you can let go of your ego by observing it with curiosity and compassion, without judging it or identifying with it.

Some of the techniques that Purkiss recommends for being present are meditation, mindfulness, breathing exercises, yoga, tai chi, qigong, walking in nature, listening to music, playing with children or animals, and doing something creative.

Stage 2: Let Go of the Thoughts That Keep You Stuck

The second stage of letting go is to let go of the thoughts that keep you stuck in negative patterns and habits. Purkiss explains that your thoughts are not facts, but rather interpretations and assumptions that you make based on your past experiences and conditioning. He says that many of your thoughts are limiting, irrational, or untrue, and that they prevent you from seeing reality as it is.

Purkiss also explains that your thoughts create your emotions, which in turn influence your actions and results. He says that by letting go of your thoughts, you can also let go of your emotions, such as anger, sadness, fear, guilt, shame, envy, or jealousy. He suggests that you can let go of your thoughts by questioning them with logic and evidence, by replacing them with positive affirmations or mantras, by writing them down and burning them or tearing them up, or by simply ignoring them and focusing on something else.

Some of the techniques that Purkiss recommends for letting go of your thoughts are cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT), neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), hypnosis, visualization, journaling, and gratitude practices.

Stage 3: Let Go of the Pain That Runs Your Life

The third stage of letting go is to let go of the pain that runs your life, such as trauma, grief, loss, betrayal, rejection, or abuse. Purkiss explains that your pain is often stored in your body and subconscious mind, and that it affects your behavior and choices in ways that you may not be aware of. He says that your pain can also manifest as physical symptoms, such as headaches, backaches, insomnia, or illness.

Purkiss also explains that your pain is not your enemy, but rather your teacher and healer. He says that your pain is there to show you what needs to be healed and released, and that by facing it and feeling it, you can transform it and transcend it. He suggests that you can let go of your pain by acknowledging it, expressing it, forgiving yourself and others, healing your inner child, and finding meaning and purpose in your experience.

Some of the techniques that Purkiss recommends for letting go of your pain are emotional freedom technique (EFT), eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR), somatic experiencing (SE), bioenergetic therapy, reiki, acupuncture, massage, aromatherapy, and art therapy.

Stage 4: Surrender and Tune into Something Far More Intelligent Than Your Brain

The fourth stage of letting go is to surrender and tune into something far more intelligent than your brain, such as your intuition, your higher self, your soul, or the universe. Purkiss explains that surrendering means giving up control and allowing things to happen naturally and effortlessly. He says that surrendering does not mean being passive or fatalistic, but rather being active and co-creative.

Purkiss also explains that tuning in means listening to and following the guidance and signs that come from within and without. He says that tuning in helps you to align yourself with your true nature and purpose, and to attract more opportunities and abundance. He suggests that you can surrender and tune in by meditating, praying, asking for help, being open and receptive, following your joy and passion, and trusting the process.

Some of the techniques that Purkiss recommends for surrendering and tuning in are transcendental meditation (TM), heart coherence technique (HCT), law of attraction (LOA), synchronicity (SYN), angel cards (AC), numerology (NUM), astrology (AST), and dream interpretation (DI).


The benefits of letting go are numerous and profound. Purkiss claims that by letting go, you can improve your life and well-being in various aspects, such as:

  • Health: Letting go can reduce stress, anxiety, depression, inflammation, blood pressure, cholesterol, pain, and disease. It can also increase immunity, energy, vitality, hormones, and longevity. It can also enhance your physical appearance, such as your skin, hair, nails, and weight.
  • Relationships: Letting go can improve your relationships with yourself and others. It can help you to love yourself more, to accept yourself as you are, and to be more confident and authentic. It can also help you to love others more, to accept them as they are, and to be more compassionate and empathetic. It can also help you to attract more compatible and supportive people into your life, and to resolve conflicts and misunderstandings more easily.
  • Creativity: Letting go can boost your creativity and innovation. It can help you to access your intuition and imagination, to generate more ideas and solutions, and to express yourself more freely and effectively. It can also help you to overcome creative blocks and fears, such as procrastination, perfectionism, criticism, or rejection. It can also help you to find more joy and fulfillment in your creative endeavors.
  • Prosperity: Letting go can increase your prosperity and abundance. It can help you to align yourself with your true passion and purpose, to discover your unique talents and gifts, and to pursue your dreams and goals. It can also help you to overcome scarcity and lack mentality, to develop a positive and abundant mindset, and to attract more opportunities and resources. It can also help you to manage your money and wealth more wisely and generously.

These are just some of the benefits of letting go that Purkiss mentions in his book. He also provides many testimonials and stories from his clients and readers who have experienced the positive effects of letting go in their lives.


The book is full of inspiring and insightful quotes from the author and from other sources, such as philosophers, spiritual teachers, scientists, artists, and celebrities. Here are some of the quotes that stood out for me:

«Letting go is the ultimate act of courage.»
— John Purkiss

«Some of us think holding on makes us strong; but sometimes it is letting go.»
— Hermann Hesse

«The truth is, unless you let go, unless you forgive yourself, unless you forgive the situation, unless you realize that the situation is over, you cannot move forward.»
— Steve Maraboli

«The only way out is through.»
— Robert Frost

«When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.»
— Lao Tzu

«The most important decision we make is whether we believe we live in a friendly or hostile universe.»
— Albert Einstein

«Don’t let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game.»
— Babe Ruth

«Creativity is intelligence having fun.»
— Albert Einstein

«The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.»
— Lao Tzu

«Abundance is not something we acquire. It is something we tune into.»
— Wayne Dyer

These are just some of the quotes that I found inspiring and relevant to the topic of letting go. There are many more in the book that you can explore and reflect on.


The review of this book is based on my personal opinion and feedback. Here are some of the strengths and weaknesses that I noticed:


  • The book is well-written, clear, concise, and engaging. The author uses simple language, short sentences, bullet points, tables, and examples to make the book easy to read and understand. He also uses stories, anecdotes, metaphors, and humor to make the book interesting and entertaining.
  • The book is well-researched, accurate, and original. The author draws from his own experience and knowledge, as well as from various sources and disciplines, such as psychology, neuroscience, spirituality, philosophy, and business. He also cites his sources and provides references for further reading.
  • The book is practical, useful, and relevant. The author provides many tips, exercises, and techniques to help the reader apply the concepts and principles of letting go to their own life. He also provides examples and testimonials from his clients and readers who have benefited from letting go.
  • The book is persuasive, inspiring, and empowering. The author makes a strong case for why letting go is important and beneficial for achieving happiness and success in life. He also motivates and encourages the reader to take action and to overcome their fears and challenges.


  • The book is somewhat repetitive, redundant, and vague. The author sometimes repeats the same points or concepts in different chapters or sections, without adding much new information or insight. He also sometimes uses vague or general terms or statements, without defining them clearly or giving specific examples.
  • The book is somewhat biased, subjective, and dogmatic. The author sometimes expresses his personal opinions or beliefs as facts or truths, without acknowledging other perspectives or possibilities. He also sometimes makes sweeping or absolute claims or recommendations, without considering the exceptions or nuances.
  • The book is somewhat outdated, incomplete, and inconsistent. The author sometimes refers to outdated or obsolete information or sources, without updating them or providing alternatives. He also sometimes leaves out important or relevant information or aspects of the topic of letting go, without explaining why or how. He also sometimes contradicts himself or changes his tone or style in different parts of the book.

These are some of the strengths and weaknesses that I noticed in this book. Of course, these are not exhaustive or definitive, and you may have a different opinion or experience of the book.


The conclusion of this book restates the main thesis and argument of the book, summarizes the main points and concepts of the book, provides some practical tips and suggestions on how to apply the lessons and insights from the book to your own life, and ends with a call to action or a question to engage the reader.

The main thesis and argument of this book is that letting go is a powerful and active process of releasing what no longer serves you and opening up to what does. By letting go, you can align yourself with your true nature and purpose, tap into your intuition and creativity, overcome your fears and limitations, and attract more opportunities and abundance.

The main points and concepts of this book are the four stages of letting go: be present and enjoy each moment, let go of the thoughts that keep you stuck, let go of the pain that runs your life, and surrender and tune into something far more intelligent than your brain. Each stage has its own challenges and rewards, and they are not linear or sequential, but rather cyclical and interrelated.

Some practical tips and suggestions on how to apply the lessons and insights from this book to your own life are:

  • Practice being present every day by meditating, breathing deeply, paying attention to your senses, or doing something that brings you joy.
  • Practice letting go of your thoughts every day by questioning them, replacing them with positive affirmations, writing them down and burning them or tearing them up, or ignoring them and focusing on something else.
  • Practice letting go of your pain every day by acknowledging it, expressing it, forgiving yourself and others, healing your inner child, or finding meaning and purpose in your experience.
  • Practice surrendering and tuning in every day by meditating, praying, asking for help, being open and receptive, following your joy and passion, and trusting the process.

The final call to action or question to engage the reader is:

«Are you ready to let go of everything that’s holding you back and live intuitively? If so, then grab a copy of this book and start your journey of letting go today. You won’t regret it.»


Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQs) about this book:

Q: Who is this book for?

A: This book is for anyone who wants to improve their life and well-being by letting go of what no longer serves them and opening up to what does. It is especially helpful for people who are facing challenges or transitions in their career, relationships, health, or personal growth.

Q: What is the main difference between this book and other books on letting go?

A: The main difference between this book and other books on letting go is that this book focuses on the practical and proven techniques to make things happen, rather than on the theoretical and philosophical aspects of letting go. This book also covers the four stages of letting go in detail, rather than just one or two aspects of letting go.

Q: How long does it take to read this book and apply its lessons?

A: The book is about 200 pages long and can be read in a few hours or days, depending on your reading speed and preference. However, applying its lessons may take longer, depending on your level of readiness and willingness to let go. The author suggests that you read the book at your own pace and practice the techniques as you go along, rather than trying to do everything at once.

Q: Where can I buy this book and how much does it cost?

A: You can buy this book online or offline from various retailers and platforms, such as Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Google Play, Apple Books, Kobo, Audible, etc. The price may vary depending on the format and edition of the book, but it is generally affordable and reasonable for the value that it offers.

Q: How can I contact the author or learn more about his work?

A: You can contact the author or learn more about his work by visiting his website, www.johnpurkiss.com, where you can find his bio, blog, podcast, videos, courses, events, testimonials, and other resources. You can also follow him on social media, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, etc.
