Xenna Apk


Xenna APK: A Multiplayer Real-Time Strategy Game with Battle Royale Mode

Are you looking for a new and exciting game to play on your Android device? Do you love strategy games that challenge your skills and creativity? If yes, then you should check out Xenna APK, a cross-platform multiplayer real-time strategy game that features a Battle Royale mode where you can compete with other players in PvP battles. In this article, we will tell you everything you need to know about Xenna APK, including its features, how to download and install it, and some FAQs.

What is Xenna APK?

Xenna APK is a game developed by NFT STARS PTY LTD, a company that specializes in creating blockchain-based games. Xenna APK is one of their latest products, and it is a game that combines the elements of real-time strategy (RTS) and Battle Royale. The game is set in a futuristic world where robots are the main combat units. You can build your own army of robots using the talent distribution mechanics and unique abilities of each robot. You can also upgrade the level of robots and their abilities to make them more powerful.

Xenna APK is not just a simple strategy game where you clash with the enemy army. You also have to use the environment to your advantage, such as drawing a path for your robots with your finger, or using the terrain to hide or ambush. You also have to defend your towers, such as production towers, power stations, and warp gates, which are essential for replenishing troops, increasing stats, and catching the enemy off guard. Moreover, you have to survive the storm in the Battle Royale mode, which limits the battle time and forces you to move closer to the center of the map.

Xenna APK is a game that offers a lot of variety and fun. You can play it solo or co-op with a friend. You can also participate in tournaments to earn unique rewards. You can also earn ratings to receive rewards on the Trophy Road. You can also log in to the game every day and receive gifts. You can also defeat enemies and earn ratings to become a top Xenna operator.

Features of Xenna APK

Here are some of the main features of Xenna APK that make it an amazing game:

Build your battle formation

You can choose from different types of robots, each with their own talents and abilities. You can customize your battle formation using the talent distribution mechanics, which allow you to assign points to different attributes, such as attack, defense, speed, or special. You can also unlock new abilities for your robots as you level them up. You can create a balanced or specialized army depending on your strategy.

Use the environment to your advantage

Xenna APK is not just about brute force. You also have to use your brain and creativity to win. You can use the environment to your advantage by drawing a path for your robots with your finger. This way, you can avoid obstacles, find shortcuts, or flank the enemy. You can also use the terrain to hide or ambush your opponents. For example, you can use hills, trees, rocks, or buildings to conceal your movements or surprise attack.

Defend your towers and warp gates

In Xenna APK, you have to defend your towers from enemy attacks. These towers are important for your survival and victory. Production towers generate robots and are the main buildings for replenishing troops. Power stations increase troop stats and make them stronger. Warp gates allow you to teleport your robots to different locations on the map. You have to protect these towers from enemy raids or sabotage.

Survive the storm in Battle Royale mode

Xenna APK features a Battle Royale mode

Play solo or co-op with a friend

Xenna APK is a game that you can enjoy alone or with a friend. You can play solo and challenge yourself to defeat other players in the Battle Royale mode. You can also play co-op with a friend and team up to face other duos. You can communicate with your friend using the voice chat feature and coordinate your strategies. You can also share your robots and abilities with your friend to create a more powerful army.

Participate in tournaments and earn rewards

Xenna APK is a game that rewards you for your skills and achievements. You can participate in tournaments and compete with other players for glory and prizes. You can join different types of tournaments, such as daily, weekly, monthly, or seasonal. You can also create your own tournaments and invite your friends or other players to join. You can earn unique rewards from tournaments, such as exclusive robots, skins, coins, gems, or NFTs.

How to download and install Xenna APK?

If you are interested in playing Xenna APK, you might be wondering how to download and install it on your Android device. Here are the requirements and steps that you need to follow:

Requirements for Xenna APK

Before you download and install Xenna APK, you need to make sure that your device meets the following requirements:

  • Your device must have Android 5.0 or higher.
  • Your device must have at least 2 GB of RAM and 500 MB of free storage space.
  • Your device must have a stable internet connection.
  • You must enable the installation of apps from unknown sources on your device settings.

Steps to download and install Xenna APK

Once you have checked the requirements, you can follow these steps to download and install Xenna APK:

  1. Go to the official website of Xenna APK or any trusted third-party site that offers the APK file.
  2. Download the APK file to your device.
  3. Locate the downloaded file on your device and tap on it to start the installation process.
  4. Follow the instructions on the screen and grant the necessary permissions to the app.
  5. Wait for the installation to complete and launch the app.
  6. Enjoy playing Xenna APK!


Xenna APK is a multiplayer real-time strategy game that features a Battle Royale mode where you can compete with other players in PvP battles. You can build your own army of robots using the talent distribution mechanics and unique abilities of each robot. You can also use the environment to your advantage, defend your towers, survive the storm, play solo or co-op with a friend, and participate in tournaments. Xenna APK is a game that offers a lot of variety and fun for strategy game lovers. If you want to try it out, you can download and install it on your Android device by following the steps above.


Here are some of the frequently asked questions about Xenna APK:

  1. Is Xenna APK free to play?
  2. Yes, Xenna APK is free to play. However, it also offers in-app purchases that can enhance your gaming experience.

  3. Is Xenna APK safe to download and install?
  4. Yes, Xenna APK is safe to download and install if you get it from the official website or any trusted third-party site. However, you should always be careful when downloading apps from unknown sources and scan them for viruses or malware before installing them.

  5. Can I play Xenna APK on PC?
  6. Yes, you can play Xenna APK on PC using an Android emulator. An Android emulator is a software that allows you to run Android apps on your PC. Some of the popular Android emulators are BlueStacks, NoxPlayer, LDPlayer, etc. You can download any of these emulators on your PC and then install Xenna APK on them.

  7. How can I contact the developer of Xenna APK?
  8. If you have any questions, feedback, or suggestions about Xenna APK, you can contact the developer by sending an email to support@nftstars.app or visiting their website at https://nftstars.app/.

  9. What are NFTs in Xenna APK?
  10. NFTs are non-fungible tokens that are unique digital assets that can be owned

    NFTs are non-fungible tokens that are unique digital assets that can be owned and traded on the blockchain. NFTs can represent anything from art, music, games, collectibles, etc. In Xenna APK, you can earn NFTs by participating in tournaments or completing certain tasks. You can also buy or sell NFTs on the NFT STARS marketplace, which is a platform that connects NFT creators and collectors. You can use NFTs to customize your robots, show off your achievements, or trade them for other items or currencies.

